[FLASH-USERS] FLASH scalability on parallel computing test

ERNESTO ZURBRIGGEN ezurbriggen at unc.edu.ar
Wed Jan 8 08:56:42 EST 2025

Hello everyone!
I am writing a proposal for HCP computing in a cluster with FLASH as the
main code to be used. And I was wondering where I can find an MPI
scalability test to include in the proposal. This is mandatory in the call.

I thought I had seen a scalability plot in the user manual, but I can't
find it.

Best regards!


*PhD Ernesto Zurbriggen,*
*Assistant researcher (CONICET)*

*Email: ezurbriggen@ <ernesto.zurbriggen at craam.mackenzie.br>unc.edu.ar
<http://unc.edu.ar/>IP phone: (+54) 351-535 3776 (int. 75601)*
*Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental (IATE-CONICET), *
*Francisco Laprida sth 922**, X5000BGR, **Córdoba, **Argentina. *
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