[FLASH-USERS] Short pulse laser heating of titanium foil

Gareth Williams gareth.williams at tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Fri Jan 31 06:37:09 EST 2025

Hi All,

We are running FLASH 4.8 on a cluster (linux, intel). 

We have successfully completed some of the basic ‘laserslab’ examples.

We are trying to simulate short-pulse laser solid heating of a thin Titanium foils. The pulse is 50 fs at an intensity of 10^16 W/cm^2, the titanium foil is 100 nm. I would like to define the optical absorption in the foil myself with a simple absorption model like the exponential decay according to the Beer-Lambert law for example: I=I0*exp(-alpha*x), where we know the the absorption co-efficient alpha, and x is the distance into the target, and I0 is the intensity at the surface.

This question has probably arisen before, so I would like ask the community for any experience or tools in implementing short pulse laser-solid heating.

Thanks in advance!
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