#include 'FlashModule.h' # An example Config file for the top level of a Module/Unit # # DEFAULT ModuleMain/ModuleImpl1 # If there are more than one implementation # of a Module/Unit, this line provides # the default that will be picked up by # the setup script. The default can be over- # written by explicitly specifying the # implementation to the setup. REQUIRES AnotherModule # This line tells the setup that Module # will not work without AnotherModule # so AnotherModule must be included. EXCLUSIVE ModuleImpl1 ModuleImpl2 # this tells the setup that # both implementations of # Module cannot be included # in the same application. CONFLICTS YetAnotherModule # Indicates the Module and YetAnother- # Module should never be included in the # same application. The difference from # EXCLUSIVE is that EXCLUSIVE defines conflicts # in different implementations of the same # Module/Unit, whereas CONFLICTS does that # for different Module/Unit. For example IO # meant for paramesh will not work with other # meshes. PARAMETER some_parameter REAL 0.8 # The parameter keyword tells the # setup script that some_parameter # of type REAL is a runtime parameter # which should be initialized to # 0.8. Any parameter can be given a # different value by including it # in flash.par (the file read at # runtime). The parameters can be of # types REAL, INTEGER, STRING and # LOGICAL VARIABLE someVar ADVECT CONSERVE # The keyword Variable specifies a physical # variable that Module needs to have # defined. The physical variable is added to # the physical_data (typically an array) # owned by the mesh package. With Paramesh, # the currently available adaptive mesh with # FLASH, it gets added to the array called # unk. unk is defined as (numberOfVariables, # blockSizeAlongX,blockSizeAlongY,blockSize- # AlongZ,numberOfBlocks). Some examples of # variables are "density", "pressure", # "temperature" etc, the physical quantities # that are part of the equations being solved # ADVECT and CONSERVE define the attributes # of the variable. FLUX someflux # Similar to VARIABLE, except that it gets added to the # arrays dealing with fluxes GRIDVAR someTempVar # This keyword is new to FLASH 3. It is meant for # saving of variables between two timestep calculations. # This is necessary if say temperature at time t-1 is # needed for calculation at time t. The value of temp- # erature in unk is at time t, the value at t-1 is saved # in a smaller array, that looks like unk, but its first # index is much smaller (usually only 1 or 2) LIBRARY someLibrary # This keyword indicates that Module needs to have # someLibrary linked to work.