
class bcRegion(self: flash.pyFlash4.Grid.bcRegion, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: float, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int, arg9: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

A region of data corresponding to the physical domain boundary normal to the axis-direction. Data can be either FACE[XYZ] or CENTER. BC_DIR, SECOND_DIR and THIRD_DIR will always be a cyclic permutation of the FLASH ``[IJK]AXIS``s, and correspondingly the coordinates coord1, coord2 and coord3

the bcRegion may be cast to a numpy array

regionData = numpy.arary(region, copy=False)

Data is accessed





physical coordinates in the BC_DIR


physical coordinates in the SECOND_DIR


physical coordinates in the THIRD_DIR


grid data struct contained in this object


cell widths in the permuted directions


number of guard cells.


Number of variables in the region data


shape of the region, corresponds to regionData.shape

__getitem__(self: flash.pyFlash4.Grid.bcRegion, *args) float

Access the grid data at (var,BC_DIR,SECOND_DIR,THIRD_DIR).

  • *args

    (var, i, j, k)

  • var (int) – 1-indexed grid variable, such as any of *_VAR from FlashH.

  • i (int) – 0-indexed to BC_DIR in the region

  • j (int) – 0-indexed to SECOND_DIR in the region

  • k (int) – 0-indexed to THIRD_DIR in the region

__setitem__(self: flash.pyFlash4.Grid.bcRegion, *args) None

Assigns the grid data at (var,BC_DIR,SECOND_DIR,THIRD_DIR).

  • var (int) – 1-indexed grid variable, such as any of *_VAR from FlashH.

  • i (int) – 0-indexed to BC_DIR in the region

  • j (int) – 0-indexed to BC_DIR in the region

  • k (int) – 0-indexed to BC_DIR in the region

property coord1

physical coordinates in the BC_DIR

property coord2

physical coordinates in the SECOND_DIR

property coord3

physical coordinates in the THIRD_DIR

property dataStruct

grid data struct contained in this object

property delta

cell widths in the permuted directions

property nGuard

number of guard cells. regionSize[BC_DIR]=2*nGuard

property nVars

Number of variables in the region data

property regionSize

shape of the region, corresponds to regionData.shape