Source code for flash.analysis
"""Analysis functions for common FLASH problems."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
[docs]def fit_power_law(t, r, **kwargs):
"""Given a shock with radius r over time t, returns the parameters of best fit
to the following power-law:
.. math:: R = R_0 t^\\alpha
t : iterable
Time values.
r : iterable
Corresponding radius values.
kwargs : optional
Other parameters to pass down to scipy.optimize.curve_fit()
r_o : float
Radius scaling factor.
alpha : float
The power-law index.
power_law = lambda s, r0, a: r0 * (s**a)
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(power_law, t, r, p0=(r[0], 0.5), **kwargs)
return popt
[docs]def shock_detect(r, v, threshold=1e-6, min_threshold=1e-36):
"""Given radius (r) and data (v) arrays, finds the outer most shock.
Currently this assumes that the radius is montonically increasing.
r : ndarray
Positional data for values.
v : ndarray
Data values which determine the presnece of a shock. This is
typically done with density or pressure fields.
threshold : float, optional
The value above which gradients must exceed to be considered a
shock. Required for ignoring low-level noise.
min_threshold : float, optional
If a shock is not found at a given threshold level, the threshold
value is reduced by an order of magnitude until a shock is found.
This continues until a minimum threshold is reached.
shock_r : r.dtype
Shock position.
shock_v : v.dtype
Shock peak value.
shock_i : int
Shock index in r and v arrays
dvdr = np.gradient(v) / np.gradient(r)
abs_v = np.abs(v[:-1])
sign_dvdr = np.sign(dvdr)
mask = np.array([])
while 0 == mask.sum() and min_threshold <= threshold:
mask = (threshold < np.abs(v[:-1]))
mask = mask & (sign_dvdr[1:] != sign_dvdr[:-1])
threshold *= 0.1
if threshold < min_threshold:
raise ValueError("minimum threshold reached, shock not found.")
shock_i = np.where(mask)[0][-1]
shock_r = r[shock_i]
shock_v = v[shock_i]
return shock_r, shock_v, shock_i