Source code for flash.flmake.gen_files

"""Code to generate files, e.g. makefiles, Flash.h, mapVartoString and the like
some of them just calculate certain strings and use the template."""

import string
import time
import os
import re
import glob
import shutil
import sys
import itertools
import types

# local imports
# relative imports needed
from ..dsl.configuration import EOS_STATIC_LIST
from . import setup_globals
from .setup_globals import gvars, SetupError
from .utils import strictlyCaseSensitiveFilenames
from .template import Template
from .lib_union import LibUnion
from .lazy_file import LazyFile

[docs]def generate_flash_defines(config_info): """ Generate Flash.h using template """ # sub routine def makeDefines(list, strname, num): # if dictionary then extract keys if type(list) == type({}): list = list.keys() list = map(string.upper,list) ans = [] i = num for up_str in list: i += 1 ans.append("#define %s_%s %d" % (up_str,strname,i)) return string.join(ans,"\n")+"\n" fname = os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.FLASH_DEFINES_FILENAME) tname = os.path.join(gvars.binDir, setup_globals.FLASH_DEFINES_TEMPLATE) gvars.out.put('generating %s' % setup_globals.FLASH_DEFINES_FILENAME,setup_globals.INFO) # compute necessary values tpl = Template(tname) # stuff from gvars tpl['ndim'] = gvars.dimension tpl['maxblocks'] = gvars.maxblocks tpl['nguard'] = config_info.guardcells if gvars.setup_vars.get("fixedBlockSize"): tpl['fixedblocksize'] = 1 else: tpl['fixedblocksize'] = 0 tpl['nxb'] = gvars.nxb tpl['nyb'] = gvars.nyb tpl['nzb'] = gvars.nzb tpl['gridGeometry'] = gvars.gridGeometry tpl['curvilinear'] = gvars.curvilinear tpl['strictParams'] = gvars.strictParams if gvars.setup_vars.get("npg"): tpl['npg'] = 1 else: tpl['npg'] = 0 # counts of various things if config_info.variable: tpl['nvars'] = len(config_info.variable) else: tpl['nvars'] = 1 tpl['nspecies'] = config_info.nspecies tpl['nmass_scalars'] = config_info.nmassscalars tpl['nfacevars'] = len(config_info.facevar) tpl['nflux'] = len(config_info.flux) tpl['nrealprops'] = config_info.n_real_props tpl['nscratchvars'] = len(config_info.scratchvar) tpl['nscratchcentervars'] = len(config_info.scratchcentervar) tpl['nscratchfacexvars'] = len(config_info.scratchfacexvar) tpl['nscratchfaceyvars'] = len(config_info.scratchfaceyvar) tpl['nscratchfacezvars'] = len(config_info.scratchfacezvar) tpl['max_plot_vars'] = config_info.max_plot_vars # sets of # defines tpl["ppDefines"] = config_info.ppdefines_lines tpl["variableDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.variable_names, "VAR", 0) tpl["speciesDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.species_names, "SPEC", tpl['nvars']) tpl["massscalarsDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.massscalars, "MSCALAR", tpl['nvars']+tpl['nspecies']) tpl["nmassscalar_groups"] = len(config_info.mass_scalar_groups) tpl["facevarDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.facevar_names, "FACE_VAR", 0) tpl["fluxDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.flux_names, "FLUX", 0) tpl["scratchvarDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.scratchvar_names, "SCRATCH_GRID_VAR", 0) tpl["scratchcentervarDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.scratchcentervar_names, "SCRATCH_CENTER_VAR", 0) tpl["scratchfacexvarDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.scratchfacexvar_names, "SCRATCH_FACEX_VAR", 0) tpl["scratchfaceyvarDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.scratchfaceyvar_names, "SCRATCH_FACEY_VAR", 0) tpl["scratchfacezvarDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.scratchfacezvar_names, "SCRATCH_FACEZ_VAR", 0) if config_info.particleprop: tpl["partpropDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.realproperty, "PART_PROP", 0) else: tpl["partpropDefines"] = "" tpl['nparticletypes'] = config_info.nparticletypes tpl["particletypeDefines"] = makeDefines(config_info.particletype, "PART_TYPE", 0) # The use of mfrac_specDefine is a leftover from times when we used to enforce that there # was always one mass fraction variable in UNK (giving it the name MFRAC_SPEC if no # mass fractions were defined in any Config file), like this: ## if len(config_info.species) == 0: ## tpl["mfrac_specDefine"] = "#define MFRAC_SPEC %s" % str(tpl["nvars"]+1) tpl["mfrac_specDefine"] = "" # non-replicated unk vars chain = itertools.chain def starts(xs): n = 0 for x in xs: yield n; n += x yield n nonrep = config_info.nonrep tp2fmt = { 'MASS_SCALAR':'%s_MSCALAR', 'VARIABLE':'%s_VAR' } tpl["nonrepDefines"] = ''.join(chain([ \ '#define %s_NONREP %d\n' % (name, i+1) + \ '#define %s_NONREP_LOC2UNK(loc) (%s)\n' % (name, rec['nlocs'] > 0 and ('(loc)-1+'+(tp2fmt[rec['tp']] % (rec['locf'] % 1))) or '-1') + \ '#define %s_NONREP_MAXLOCS %d\n' % (name, rec['nlocs']) + \ '#define %s_NONREP_RPCOUNT "%s"\n' % (name, rec['rpcount']) \ for i,(name,rec) in enumerate(nonrep.iteritems()) \ ], [ \ '#define NONREP_COUNT %d\n' % len(nonrep), \ '#define NONREP_NAMEF_FLAT_LWR "%s"\n' % ''.join([ rec['namef'] for rec in nonrep.itervalues() ]).lower(), \ '#define NONREP_NAMEF_START (/%s/)\n' % ','.join([ str(x+1) for x in starts([ len(rec['namef']) for rec in nonrep.itervalues() ]) ]), \ '#define NONREP_MAXLOCS (/%s/)\n' % ','.join(['0'] + [ str(rec['nlocs']) for rec in nonrep.itervalues() ]), \ '#define NONREP_LOCUNK1 (/%s/)\n' % ','.join(['0'] + [ rec['nlocs'] > 0 and (tp2fmt[rec['tp']] % (rec['locf'] % 1)) or '-1' for rec in nonrep.itervalues() ]), \ '#define NONREP_RPCOUNT_FLAT "%s"\n' % ''.join([ rec['rpcount'] for rec in nonrep.itervalues() ]), \ '#define NONREP_RPCOUNT_START (/%s/)\n' % ','.join([ str(x+1) for x in starts([ len(rec['rpcount']) for rec in nonrep.itervalues() ]) ]) \ ])) # write the file if it really changed tpl.generate(fname) gvars.out.put('writing %s' % fname,setup_globals.INFO)
[docs]def generate_pm3rp_defines(config_info): """ Generate amr_runtime_parameters using template """ fname = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.PM3_RP_FILENAME) # Use template in the object directory if it exists, otherwise the bin directory tname = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.PM3_RP_TEMPLATE) if not os.path.isfile(tname): tname = os.path.join(gvars.binDir, setup_globals.PM3_RP_TEMPLATE) gvars.out.put('generating %s' % setup_globals.PM3_RP_FILENAME,setup_globals.INFO) # compute necessary values tpl = Template(tname) # stuff from gvars tpl['ndim'] = gvars.dimension tpl['maxblocks'] = gvars.maxblocks tpl['nguard'] = config_info.guardcells if gvars.setup_vars.get("fixedBlockSize"): tpl['fixedblocksize'] = 1 else: tpl['fixedblocksize'] = 0 tpl['nxb'] = gvars.nxb tpl['nyb'] = gvars.nyb tpl['nzb'] = gvars.nzb if gvars.setup_vars.get("npg"): tpl['npg'] = 'T' else: tpl['npg'] = 'F' if gvars.curvilinear: tpl['curvilinear'] = 'T' else: tpl['curvilinear'] = 'F' # counts of various things if config_info.variable_names: tpl['nvars'] = len(config_info.variable_names) else: tpl['nvars'] = 1 tpl['nspecies'] = config_info.nspecies tpl['nmass_scalars'] = config_info.nmassscalars tpl['nfacevars'] = len(config_info.facevar) tpl['nflux'] = len(config_info.flux) # some defines derived from the previous ones tpl["nunk_vars"] = tpl["nvars"] + tpl["nspecies"] + tpl["nmass_scalars"] tpl["nfluxes"] = tpl["nflux"] + tpl["nspecies"] + tpl["nmass_scalars"] if config_info.ppdefines.has_key('NBOUNDARIES') and config_info.ppdefines['NBOUNDARIES']: tpl["nboundaries"] = config_info.ppdefines['NBOUNDARIES'] else: tpl["nboundaries"] = 2*tpl["ndim"] # write the file if it really changed tpl.generate(fname) gvars.out.put('writing %s' % fname,setup_globals.INFO)
[docs]def write_simulation_files(config_info): """ 'config_info' is an instance of class FlashUnitUnion """ ## This function generates all the Simulation_*.F90 files ## which setup needs to generate. ## mapIntToStr: maps a variable enumerated constant to string. ## mapStrToVar: reverse of above map ## mapParticlesVar: returns the variable a particle property maps to ## ## Handles: UNK vars, Fluxes, Particle Properties ## ## These functions are useful with IO so we know ## which variables we are outputing in terms of a string ## rather than a number def handleblock(vars,keys,mapblock,dictkey): # vars and keys are modified in place x = 0 tpl = "(%s * MAPBLOCKSIZE)+ %%2d" % mapblock for v in getattr(config_info, dictkey.lower()): x += 1 vars.append(v.lower()) keys.append(tpl % x) def handlemap (part_keys, var_keys, var_types, var_type, mapblock, dictkey): #creates the set of keys for mappings from the pairs in dictkey for v in getattr(config_info, dictkey.lower()): tmpkey = "%s_PART_PROP" % v[0] tmpvar = "%s_%s" %(v[1], var_type) part_keys.append(tmpkey.upper()) var_keys.append(tmpvar.upper()) var_types.append(mapblock.upper()) #EOS functions: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Returns an EOS dictionary initialised to NONEXISTENT. def makeEosVaRDict(): dEos = {} for eosKey in EOS_STATIC_LIST: dEos[eosKey.upper()]=(gvars.nonexistent,gvars.nonexistent) return dEos #Fill/update the EOS dictionary with values. Can be called multiple #times to update the pre-existing values in the dictionary. def associateEosVars(eosVaRDict, zippedData, strSuffix): for (scratchVar, eosMapIn, eosMapOut) in zippedData: #scratchVarStr is the pre-processor definition. scratchVarStr = scratchVar.upper() + strSuffix i = eosMapIn.upper() if i in eosVaRDict: (dIn,dOut) = eosVaRDict[i] if dIn != scratchVarStr and dIn != "NONEXISTENT": gvars.out.put('%s: Conflicting specifications for EOSMAPIN: %s - %s and %s,%s.' % ("WARNING",eosMapIn,dIn,scratchVarStr," ignoring the latter"), setup_globals.WARN) else: eosVaRDict[i] = (scratchVarStr,dOut) i = eosMapOut.upper() if i in eosVaRDict: (dIn,dOut) = eosVaRDict[i] if dOut != scratchVarStr and dOut != "NONEXISTENT": raise SetupError('Conflicting specifications for EOSMAPOUT: %s - %s and %s.' % (eosMapOut,dOut,scratchVarStr)) eosVaRDict[i] = (dIn,scratchVarStr) #Returns a list of EOS Fortran code. def makeEosPrintableString(eosVaRDict, eosStr): tplList = []; tmp1 = []; tmp2 = [] for (var, (eosIn, eosOut)) in eosVaRDict.items(): fixedStr = eosStr + '(EOSMAP_' + var tmp1.append(fixedStr + ',EOSIN) = ' + eosIn) tmp2.append(fixedStr + ',EOSOUT) = ' + eosOut) tplList.append("!1. EOS input variables:") tplList.extend(tmp1) tplList.append("!2. EOS output variables:") tplList.extend(tmp2) return tplList #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- gvars.out.put('generating Simulation mapping files',setup_globals.INFO) # All unk variables and their keys if config_info.variable_names: vars = [v.lower() for v in config_info.variable_names] else: vars = ["dummy"] vars.extend([v.lower() for v in config_info.species_names]) vars.extend([v.lower() for v in config_info.massscalars]) # compute their corresponding keys starting from 1 keys = [] for x in xrange(len(vars)): keys.append("(MAPBLOCK_UNK * MAPBLOCKSIZE) + %2d" % (x+1)) # add fluxes and their keys handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_FLUX","flux") # add particle properties and keys handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_PART","realproperty") # add scratch vars and their keys handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_SCRATCH","scratchvar") # add face vars and their keys handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_FACES","facevar") # add scratch center vars and their keys handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_SCRATCH_CENTER","scratchcentervar") # add scratch face vars and their keys handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_SCRATCH_FACEX","scratchfacexvar") handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_SCRATCH_FACEY","scratchfaceyvar") handleblock(vars,keys,"MAPBLOCK_SCRATCH_FACEZ","scratchfacezvar") part_keys = [] var_keys = [] var_types = [] #add unk vars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_UNK", "particlemaps_variable") #add mass scalars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "MSCALAR", "PARTICLEMAP_UNK", "particlemaps_mscalar") #add species to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "SPEC", "PARTICLEMAP_UNK", "particlemaps_species") #add scratchvars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "SCRATCH_GRID_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_SCRATCH", "particlemaps_scratchvar") #add x-facevars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "FACE_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_FACEX", "particlemaps_facex") #add y-facevars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "FACE_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_FACEY", "particlemaps_facey") #add z-facevars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "FACE_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_FACEZ", "particlemaps_facez") #add scratchcentervars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "SCRATCH_CENTER_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_SCRATCH_CTR", "particlemaps_scratchcentervar") #add scratchfacexvars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "SCRATCH_FACEX_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_SCRATCH_FACEX", "particlemaps_scratchfacexvar") #add scratchfaceyvars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "SCRATCH_FACEY_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_SCRATCH_FACEY", "particlemaps_scratchfaceyvar") #add scratchfacezvars to particle maps handlemap(part_keys, var_keys, var_types, "SCRATCH_FACEZ_VAR", "PARTICLEMAP_SCRATCH_FACEZ", "particlemaps_scratchfacezvar") # partition: given a list (u,v) returns a dictionary from u to a list of v # xs: iterator of pairs to partition def partition(xs): d = {} for u,v in xs: if d.has_key(u): d[u].append(v) else: d[u] = [ v ]; return d chain = itertools.chain # generate the files tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir,setup_globals.SIM_INT_TO_STR_TEMPLATE)) tpl["values"] = vars tpl["keys"] = keys tpl["cases"] = [ 'case(%s); str="%s"' % (k,v) for k,v in zip(keys,vars) ] tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.SIM_INT_TO_STR_FILENAME)) del tpl tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir, setup_globals.SIM_STR_TO_INT_TEMPLATE)) tpl["values"] = vars tpl["keys"] = keys tpl["select_key_from_strlwr_and_map"] = map( \ lambda tab_txt: ' '*tab_txt[0] + tab_txt[1], \ chain( \ [ (0,"select case(strlwr)") ], \ chain(*map( \ (lambda v_ks: (lambda v,ks: chain( \ [ (0,'case("%s")' % v) ], \ [ (1,'select case(map)') ], \ [ (1,'case((%s)/MAPBLOCKSIZE); key = %s' % (k,k)) for k in ks ], \ [ (1,'end select') ] \ ))(v_ks[0],v_ks[1])), \ partition(zip(vars, keys)).iteritems() \ )), \ [ (0,'end select') ] \ ) \ ) tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.SIM_STR_TO_INT_FILENAME)) del tpl tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir,setup_globals.SIM_PARTICLES_VAR_TEMPLATE)) tpl["partkeys"] = part_keys tpl["varkeys"] = var_keys tpl["vartypes"] = var_types tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.SIM_PARTICLES_VAR_FILENAME)) # now for renormGroup code tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir,setup_globals.RENORM_GROUP_TEMPLATE)) it = config_info.massscalars_map.items() tpl["mscalars"] = [x.upper()+"_MSCALAR" for (x,y) in it] tpl["groups"] = [y for (x,y) in it] # ideally the group_names formatting should be done in the template # but I did not build a way to escape the ! in the list specification # So this is a hack around the template scheme of things tpl["group_names"] = " \n !! ".join(["%s -> %d" % (x,y) for (x,y) in \ config_info.massscalars_group_map.items()]) #tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,setup_globals.RENORM_GROUP_FILENAME)) tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.RENORM_GROUP_FILENAME)) # now for variable type code tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir,setup_globals.VARNAME_TYPE_TEMPLATE)) tpl["varnames"] = [ "%s_VAR" % x.upper() for x in config_info.variable_names ] tpl["vartypes"] = [ "VARTYPE_%s" % x for x in config_info.var_types ] #tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,setup_globals.VARNAME_TYPE_FILENAME)) tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.VARNAME_TYPE_FILENAME)) #We are adding a file which contains information about all particle types. #If we have not included the particles unit then we will have a value of 0 #for nparticletypes - in this case we do not create the file! if (config_info.nparticletypes > 0): tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir,setup_globals.SIM_PARTICLE_TYPE_TEMPLATE)) #We can slide in alternative particle methods by honouring the #particlesmethod command. for particleType in config_info.particle_type: if gvars.particleMethods.has_key(particleType): config_infoIndex = config_info.particle_type.index(particleType) overwriteData = gvars.particleMethods.get(particleType) print "NOTE: particlemethods option given on command line!" print " Editing particleType:", particleType for (name,value) in overwriteData: if (name == "INIT"): print " Init method was:", config_info.init_method[config_infoIndex], \ "now:", value config_info.init_method[config_infoIndex] = value elif (name == "MAP"): print " Map method was:", config_info.mapmethod[config_infoIndex], \ "now:", value config_info.mapmethod[config_infoIndex] = value elif (name == "ADV"): print " adv method was:", config_info.advmethod[config_infoIndex], \ "now:", value config_info.advmethod[config_infoIndex] = value else: print " Ignoring unknown option:", name tpl["particleInitVect"] = config_info.init_method tpl["particleMapVect"] = config_info.mapmethod tpl["particleAdvVect"] = config_info.advmethod #tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_build_dir, setup_globals.SIM_PARTICLE_TYPE_FILENAME)) tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.SIM_PARTICLE_TYPE_FILENAME)) #Add a file to select Eos_map roles from the various FLASH data structures. tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir,setup_globals.EOS_MAP_TEMPLATE)) #Create a dictionary for each of the FLASH data structures. dEosMap = {} dEosMap["_VAR"] = makeEosVaRDict() dEosMap["_FACE_VAR"] = makeEosVaRDict() dEosMap["_SCRATCH_GRID_VAR"] = makeEosVaRDict() dEosMap["_SCRATCH_CENTER_VAR"] = makeEosVaRDict() dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEX_VAR"] = makeEosVaRDict() dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEY_VAR"] = makeEosVaRDict() dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEZ_VAR"] = makeEosVaRDict() #EOS variables are associated with the following KEYWORDS. unkType_VAR = zip(config_info.variable_names, config_info.eosmapin_unkvars, config_info.eosmapout_unkvars) unkType_MSCALAR = zip(config_info.massscalars, config_info.eosmapin_ms, config_info.eosmapout_ms) unkType_FACE = zip(config_info.facevar_names, config_info.eosmapin_facevars, config_info.eosmapout_facevars) unkType_SCRATCH = zip(config_info.scratchvar_names, config_info.eosmapin_scratchvars, config_info.eosmapout_scratchvars) unkType_SCRATCHCENTER = zip(config_info.scratchcentervar_names, config_info.eosmapin_scratchcentervars, config_info.eosmapout_scratchcentervars) unkType_SCRATCHFACEX = zip(config_info.scratchfacexvar_names, config_info.eosmapin_scratchfacexvars, config_info.eosmapout_scratchfacexvars) unkType_SCRATCHFACEY = zip(config_info.scratchfaceyvar_names, config_info.eosmapin_scratchfaceyvars, config_info.eosmapout_scratchfaceyvars) unkType_SCRATCHFACEZ = zip(config_info.scratchfacezvar_names, config_info.eosmapin_scratchfacezvars, config_info.eosmapout_scratchfacezvars) #Use KEYWORD data to fill the values in the appropriate dictionary. associateEosVars(dEosMap["_VAR"], unkType_VAR, "_VAR") associateEosVars(dEosMap["_VAR"], unkType_MSCALAR, "_MSCALAR") associateEosVars(dEosMap["_FACE_VAR"], unkType_FACE, "_FACE_VAR") associateEosVars(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_GRID_VAR"], unkType_SCRATCH, "_SCRATCH_GRID_VAR") associateEosVars(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_CENTER_VAR"], unkType_SCRATCHCENTER, "_SCRATCH_CENTER_VAR") associateEosVars(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEX_VAR"], unkType_SCRATCHFACEX, "_SCRATCH_FACEX_VAR") associateEosVars(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEY_VAR"], unkType_SCRATCHFACEY, "_SCRATCH_FACEY_VAR") associateEosVars(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEZ_VAR"], unkType_SCRATCHFACEZ, "_SCRATCH_FACEZ_VAR") #Generate Fortran code to populate data structures named #eos_unk, eos_face, eos_scratch in eos_variableMap.F90: tpl["eos_unk"] = makeEosPrintableString(dEosMap["_VAR"], "eosmap_unk") tpl["eos_face"] = makeEosPrintableString(dEosMap["_FACE_VAR"], "eosmap_face") tpl["eos_scratch"] = makeEosPrintableString(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_GRID_VAR"], "eosmap_scratch") tpl["eos_scratch_ctr"] = makeEosPrintableString(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_CENTER_VAR"], "eosmap_scratch_ctr") tpl["eos_scratch_facexvar"] = makeEosPrintableString(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEX_VAR"], "eosmap_scratch_facexvar") tpl["eos_scratch_faceyvar"] = makeEosPrintableString(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEY_VAR"], "eosmap_scratch_faceyvar") tpl["eos_scratch_facezvar"] = makeEosPrintableString(dEosMap["_SCRATCH_FACEZ_VAR"], "eosmap_scratch_facezvar") #Get length of an EOS list. NOTE: All 3 lists have the same length. #We subtract 2 because our lists contains 2 printed comments. #We divide by 2 because the single list contains IN and OUT. tpl["len_eos_lists"] = (len(tpl["eos_unk"])-2)/2 #tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,setup_globals.EOS_MAP_FILENAME)) tpl.generate(os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.EOS_MAP_FILENAME)) del tpl
def generate_makefile(config_info, machdir): flagRedirect = setRedirectFlags(os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, 'Makefile.h'), gvars.buildFlag, config_info.lib_config_info) taumakefile= '' pdbvar = '' pdbrule = '' taumakeline = '' tauinserts = '' cDefines = " ".join(gvars.defines) fDefines = ' '.join(["$(MDEFS)" + item for item in gvars.defines]) setupVaRDict = gvars.setup_vars.vars threadKeysFound = [x for x in setupVaRDict.keys() if x in ["threadBlockList","threadWithinBlock","threadRayTrace"]] useopenmp = 0 for key in threadKeysFound: #Set USEOPENMP = 1 in Makefile if at least one thread setup variable is True. if type(setupVaRDict[key]) == types.BooleanType and setupVaRDict[key]: useopenmp = 1 break if gvars.build_tau: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(gvars.tauDir,'select.tau'), os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir,'select.tau')) #os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,'select.tau')) taumakefile = gvars.build_tau taumakeline="TAU_MAKEFILE="+gvars.build_tau tauinserts = """ TAU_OPTIONS='-optVerbose -optTauSelectFile=./select.tau -optPdtGnuFortranParser' -tau_makefile=$(TAU_MAKEFILE) -tau_options=$(TAU_OPTIONS) -tau_makefile=$(TAU_MAKEFILE) -tau_options=$(TAU_OPTIONS) -tau_makefile=$(TAU_MAKEFILE) -tau_options=$(TAU_OPTIONS) -tau_makefile=$(TAU_MAKEFILE) -tau_options=$(TAU_OPTIONS)""" makefiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, 'Makefile.*')) makefiles = [os.path.relpath(mf, gvars.project_setup_dir) for mf in makefiles] #FIXME remove this once all those makefile dependencies are fixed. makefiles.sort() ", ".join(makefiles) try: makefiles.remove('Makefile.h') except ValueError: pass # if not found dont bother includeList = "".join(["include %s\n"%file for file in makefiles]) includeMacros = "".join(["\n $(%s) \\" % os.path.splitext(file)[1][1:] for file in makefiles]) makedisplay = gvars.makedisplay indexReorder = 0 if gvars.indexReorder: indexReorder = 1 if strictlyCaseSensitiveFilenames(): dependFlags = '--generateINTERMEDIATElines' else: dependFlags = '' tpl = Template(os.path.join(gvars.binDir, setup_globals.MAKEFILE_TEMPLATE)) tpl.update(locals()) target = os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, 'Makefile') tpl.generate(target) ########################### def generate_buildstamp_generator(): #OUTFILE = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,setup_globals.BUILD_STAMP_GEN_FILENAME) OUTFILE = os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.BUILD_STAMP_GEN_FILENAME) tname = os.path.join(gvars.binDir, setup_globals.BUILD_STAMP_TEMPLATE) tpl = Template(tname) tpl["date"] = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) tpl["uname"] = os.uname() tpl.generate(OUTFILE) os.chmod(OUTFILE, 0744) ################################################# Internally called code
[docs]def setRedirectFlags(makefile, buildFlag, lib_config_info): """FIXME: proper documentation If the Makefile.h uses the mechanism but hasn't defined it for the given buildFlag (i.e., it has FFLAGS_OPT but not FFLAGS_TEST) we default to _OPT for whatever compilers are missing the right flag. If even that is missing we look for just plain FFLAGS (without any _OPT) Also, we have added support for "internal" libraries. If a LIBRARY requirement is not found in Makefile.h, then the directory flash_src_dir/lib/name/object is searched, where name is the name of the LIBRARY as specified in the Config file. If that directory exists and contains a file named libname.a, then Makefile has that info added to its LIB macro. Otherwise, setup attempts to execute a file called build.csh in a directory flash_src_dir/lib/name/source. This file contains commands for building the library and placing the library libname.a in the lib/name/object dir. Some further things to consider are adding support for multiple libraries within a lib directory and specifying any library dependencies. """ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #Find all macros defined in makefile if not os.path.isfile(makefile): text = '' makefilename = "" else: text = open(makefile).read() makefilename = os.path.abspath(makefile) ro = re.compile("^ *([A-Za-z0-9_]+) *=",re.M) Makefile_macros = ro.findall(text) lib_config_info.setMacros(Makefile_macros) # inform our libConfig class about the macros newDef = {} for compiler in setup_globals.COMPILERS: newDef[compiler] = ['$(%s)'%compiler] for macro in [ '%s_%s'%(compiler,buildFlag), '%s_%s'%(compiler,setup_globals.DEFLTFLAG)]: if macro in Makefile_macros: newDef[compiler] = ['$(%s)'%macro] break # process the libraries for lib, args in lib_config_info.libOrder: gvars.out.push() libFlags = lib_config_info.getLibFlags(lib, buildFlag=buildFlag, args=args, makefilename=makefilename) if not libFlags or not libFlags.has_key("LIB"): gvars.out.put('ERROR: A Config in your simulation requires the %s library\n'\ 'but I cannot find any info about it. ' % lib,setup_globals.ERROR) gvars.out.put('If you automatically link in that library, create a variable '\ 'LIB_%s in your Makefile.h and make it empty' % lib.upper(),setup_globals.ERROR) raise SetupError("Error getting info for library %s" % lib) else: # the fact that we prepend (not append) and the specific order of the libraries # should ensure that the ordering here is correct for key,val in libFlags.items(): if newDef.has_key(key): newDef[key].insert(1,val) gvars.out.pop() outList = [] for compiler in newDef.keys(): if (len(newDef[compiler])==1) and \ (newDef[compiler][0]=='$(%s)'%compiler): continue macros = newDef[compiler] #want "main" macros like LIB_OPT to be at the end of the line macros = macros[1:]+[macros[0]] outList.append('%s := %s\n' % (compiler, string.join(macros))) return "".join(outList)