Source code for flash.flmake.lazy_file

"""Implements a Lazy File class

Associated with a file which is regenerated afresh and never read from.
This class doesn't write the actual file till the file is closed
even then it writes only if the new contents and the current contents 
are different.

import os.path

# relative imports needed!    
from . import setup_globals
from .setup_globals import gvars, SetupError

[docs]class LazyFile: """Defines a file like class which supports the following: * __init__ associates a real file with this class * write adds a line for writing to the file (but does not actually write) * close reads the real file, compares it with buffer contents if doesnot match rewrites the entire file, else silently returns. NOTE: Useful only if you want to rewrite the entire file, small files (memory requirement) Usage:: file = LazyFile("filename") file.write(string1) file.write(string2) ... file.write(stringn) file.close() --> if reqd this is the one which really does all the writing """ def __init__(self,filename): self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename) self.contents = [] self.curr = "" # the current partial line def write(self,what): if not what: return # Nothing to write a = what.split("\n") # if multiple lines are in what if self.curr: self.contents.append("%s%s\n" % (self.curr,a[0])) self.curr = "" del a[0] self.curr = a[-1] del a[-1] self.contents.extend(["%s\n"%x for x in a]) # Return 1 if new contents match old contents else return None def match(self): try: myfile = open(self.filename,"r") except: return None ctr = 0 try: for x in myfile.xreadlines(): if x != self.contents[ctr]: myflie.close() return None else: ctr += 1 # writing more lines than before if len(self.contents[ctr:]) > 0: myfile.close() return None except: # new contente is shorter than old contents myfile.close() return None myfile.close() return 1 def close(self): # is there is a partial line if self.curr: self.contents.append(self.curr) self.curr = "" # no need to rewrite the file self.samefile = self.match() if self.samefile==1: gvars.out.put("file %s did not really change" % self.filename, setup_globals.INFO) return myfile = open(self.filename, "w") for x in self.contents: myfile.write(x) myfile.close()