Source code for flash.flmake.log
import os
from datetime import datetime
USAGE = ("Displays the history of all (or N) previously\n"
"executed flmake commands and their metadata.\n\n"
"usage: flmake log [-n <N>]")
def _parse_row(row):
t, cmd, user, logid, runid, d, msg = row.split(',', 6)
return float(t), cmd, user, logid, runid, d, msg[1:-1]
[docs]def main(opts, rc, msg):
"""Displays the history of flmake commands."""
if not os.path.exists('flash.log'):
n = int(opts[1]) if (1 < len(opts) and '-n' == opts[0]) else None
with open('flash.log') as f:
loglines = f.readlines()[::-1]
logtemplate = ("Run id: {runid}\n"
"Run dir: {rundir}\n"
"Command: {cmd}\n"
"User: {user}\n"
"Date: {dt}\n"
"Log id: {logid}\n\n"
" {msg}\n\n"
logstr = ""
for row in loglines[:n]:
t, cmd, user, logid, runid, d, msg = _parse_row(row[:-1])
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(t).strftime("%c")
kwlog = {'dt': dt, 'cmd': cmd, 'user': user, 'logid': logid,
'runid': runid, 'rundir': d, 'msg': msg}
logstr += logtemplate.format(**kwlog)
logstr = logstr[:-1]
print logstr