Source code for flash.flmake.rp_info

"""Code related to Runtime Parameter Info."""
import string 
import re
import sys
import UserDict
import os.path

# relative imports needed
from . import setup_globals
from .setup_globals import gvars, SetupError
from .lazy_file import LazyFile


[docs]class RPInfo(UserDict.UserDict): """Class which keeps track of run time parameters and related info To each runtime parameter we keep track of the following info: "NAME" of the parameter "TYPE" - REAL, INTEGER, BOOLEAN, STRING "VALUE" - Initial value of parameter "CONST" - Boolean saying if this value is constant "COMMENT" - Info regarding parameter "RANGE" - [ list of range specifications ] range spec = {"min":min_val,"max":max_val} or "STRING" self is a dictionary mapping "LOCATION","NAME" to other info self.locations is a dictionary mapping "NAME" to list of locations defining it If warn is non-empty duplicate names are considered WARNING, else duplicate (NAME,LOCATION) is WARNING else it is OK If it is a warning then RP not added to database """ def __init__(self,warn=1): UserDict.UserDict.__init__(self) self.typemap = {'REAL': 'real', 'INTEGER': 'integer', 'STRING': 'character(len=MAX_STRING_LENGTH)', 'BOOLEAN':'logical', 'DOC': ""} self.warn = warn self.locations = {} self.rangeToregexp = re.compile(r"to|TO|[.][.][.]") self.numregexp = re.compile(r"\s*(?P<min>\S*)\s*(?:to|TO|[.][.][.])\s*(?P<max>\S*)\s*") self.numre= re.compile(r"^[-+]?[0-9]*([.]([0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]*)?)?)?$") def parseRange(self,range,typ,name): def checkNum(what): if not what: return 1 if what=="TINY": return 1 if what=="-TINY": return 1 # strip trailing +,- if what[-1] in ["+","-"]: what = what[-1] if self.numre.match(what): return 1 else: return None rv = [] if typ not in ["REAL","INTEGER","STRING"]: return rv if not range: return rv for rangespec in range.split(","): rangespec = rangespec.strip() if not rangespec: continue if ( >= 0) and (typ in ["REAL","INTEGER"]): # contains "to" as a substring spec = {"min":None,"max":None} m = self.numregexp.match(rangespec) spec.update(m.groupdict()) rv.append(spec) else: if rangespec[0] == rangespec[-1] and rangespec[0] in ["'",'"']: rangespec = rangespec[1:-1] if typ in ["REAL","INTEGER"]: # checking for membership in degenerate interval rv.append( {"min":rangespec,"max":rangespec}) elif typ in ["STRING"]: rv.append(rangespec) # check if given numbers are valid if typ in ["REAL","INTEGER"]: for rs in rv: # for each range specification if not checkNum(rs["min"]): # min is bad raise SetupError("minimum value '%s' is illformed in parameter '%s'" % (rs["min"],name)) if not checkNum(rs["max"]): # min is bad raise SetupError("maximum value '%s' is illformed in parameter '%s'" % (rs["max"],name)) return rv def addRP(self,name,type="",value="",const=None,location="",comment="",range=None): if self.warn: if self.locations.has_key(name): loc2 = self.locations[name][0] val2 = self[(loc2,name)]["VALUE"] typ2 = self[(loc2,name)]["TYPE"] if (val2 == value) and (typ2 == type): # already present ignore this call if (self[(loc2,name)]["RANGE"] == self.parseRange(range,type,name)): return gvars.out.push() quit = 1 # quit this call sP = setup_globals.SIMULATION_PREFIX if sP.endswith(os.sep): sP = sP[:-1] # check if either of them is in SimlulationUnit. If so that overrides (exclusive OR) if (loc2.startswith(sP) and not location.startswith(sP)) or \ (not loc2.startswith(sP) and location.startswith(sP)): gvars.out.put('\nINFO: Parameter %s defined in both\n%s (default %s) and \n%s (default %s)' %(name, loc2, val2, location, value),setup_globals.IMPINFO) gvars.out.put("Simulation instance overrides; removing other instance.",setup_globals.IMPINFO) if location.startswith(sP): # remove existing details del self[(loc2,name)] self.locations[name].remove(loc2) quit = 0 elif loc2.startswith(location) or location.startswith(loc2): gvars.out.put('\nINFO: Parameter %s defined in both\n%s (%s default %s) and \n%s (%s default %s)' %(name, loc2, typ2, val2, location, type, value),setup_globals.INFO) gvars.out.put("Longer path wins, overriding the less specific instance.",setup_globals.INFO) if location.startswith(loc2): # remove existing details del self[(loc2,name)] self.locations[name].remove(loc2) quit = 0 elif ( (self[(loc2,name)]["RANGE"]==[] and range) or (self[(loc2,name)]["RANGE"]!=[] and not range)): gvars.out.put('\nINFO: Parameter %s defined in both\n%s (%s default %s) and \n%s (%s default %s)' %(name, loc2, typ2, val2, location, type, value),setup_globals.IMPINFO) gvars.out.put("Specification with range wins, overriding the less specific instance.",setup_globals.IMPINFO) if range: # remove existing details gvars.out.put("Value and range for %s %s set to %s [%s]."%(type,name,value,range),setup_globals.IMPINFO) del self[(loc2,name)] self.locations[name].remove(loc2) quit = 0 else: gvars.out.put("Value and range for %s %s set to %s %s."%(typ2,name,val2,self[(loc2,name)]["RANGE"]),setup_globals.IMPINFO) else: gvars.out.put('\nWARNING: Parameter %s defined in both\n%s (default %s) and \n%s (default %s)' %(name, loc2, val2, location, value),setup_globals.WARN) gvars.out.put("Ignoring second instance",setup_globals.WARN) gvars.out.pop() if quit: return if not self.warn: if self.has_key((location,name)): # same combo of both is there gvars.out.push() gvars.out.put('\nWARNING: Parameter %s is defined in %s multiple times. Ignoring new instance\n' % (name,location),setup_globals.WARN) gvars.out.pop() return if not self.typemap.has_key(type): raise SetupError("Invalid type %s for parameter %s" % (type,name)) ans = { "TYPE":type, "VALUE":value, "CONST":const, "RANGE": self.parseRange(range,type,name), "COMMENT":comment} self[(location,name)] = ans if not self.locations.has_key(name): self.locations[name] = [] self.locations[name].append(location) # Takes a range object and returns a string describing the range object def printRange(self, rng): if not rng: return "Valid Values: Unconstrained" ans = [] for a in rng: if type(a) == type("STRING"): ans.append('"%s"' % a) continue min = a["min"] max = a["max"] if not min: min = "-INFTY" if not max: max = "INFTY" if min == max: ans.append("%s" % min) else: ans.append("%s to %s" % (min,max)) return "Valid Values: %s" % ", ".join(ans) def write_rp_info(self,fname=None,prefix=""): if not fname: #fname = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,setup_globals.SETUP_PARAMS_FILENAME) fname = os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.SETUP_PARAMS_FILENAME) out = setup_globals.IndentedOutput(4, open(fname, 'w')) rplist = [ (loc,name,a) for ((loc,name),a) in self.items() ] rplist.sort() currunit = None out.push() for (unitname,rpname,rpinfo) in rplist: if not unitname.startswith(prefix): continue # Starting a new unit if currunit != unitname: out.pop() out.put("") out.put(unitname) currunit = unitname out.push() if rpinfo["TYPE"] == "DOC": out.put(rpname) else: if (rpinfo["CONST"]): out.put('%s [%s] CONSTANT [%s]' % (rpname, rpinfo["TYPE"],rpinfo["VALUE"])) else: out.put('%s [%s] [%s]' % (rpname, rpinfo["TYPE"],rpinfo["VALUE"])) if rpinfo["TYPE"] in ["INTEGER","REAL","STRING"]: out.push() out.put(self.printRange(rpinfo["RANGE"])) out.pop() out.push() out.put(rpinfo["COMMENT"]) out.pop() out.pop() out.file.close() def writeDuplications(self,fname): out = setup_globals.IndentedOutput(4, open(fname,"w")) names = self.locations.keys() # for each name find the number of locations where its type is not DOC # if this number > 1, then consider it duplicated names = filter(lambda x: len( filter(lambda y: self[(y,x)]["TYPE"] != "DOC", self.locations[x]) ) > 1,names) # only multiply defined ones names.sort() for name in names: out.put(name + " defined in the following locations") out.push() for loc in self.locations[name]: if self[(loc,name)]["TYPE"] == "DOC": continue if self[(loc,name)]["CONST"]: out.put("%s CONSTANT [%s]" % (loc,self[(loc,name)]["VALUE"]) ) else: out.put("%s [%s]" % (loc,self[(loc,name)]["VALUE"]) ) out.pop() out.put("") # find names with no comments # names = all names with one definition badnames = [] for (x,y) in self.locations.items(): for loc in y: if not self[(loc,x)].get("COMMENT",None): badnames.append((x,loc)) # badnames = all names where no COMMENT if badnames: out.put("Runtime Parameters without any Comments") out.put("---------------------------------------") oldname = None for (name,loc) in badnames: if oldname != name: out.put("\n"+name) oldname = name out.push() out.put("no comment in %s/Config" % loc) out.pop() out.file.close() # info about RuntimeParameter functions are hard coded into this function def genRulesCode(self,rpname,rptype,range): def clean(obj,typ): "add a . if obj consists only of numbers and we want it to be REAL" if typ == "INTEGER": return str(obj) rv = str(obj) if rv == "TINY": return "TINY(1.0)" if rv == "-TINY": return "-TINY(1.0)" suff = "" # check if obj ends with "+","-" # adjust the given numbers in that direction by a # small amount if rv[-1] in ["+","-"]: suff = rv[-1] rv = rv [:-1] suff = suff+"EPSILON(1.0)" if re.match("^[0-9]*$",rv): # only numbers found rv = rv + ".0" return rv+suff if not range: return "" if rptype not in ["STRING","INTEGER","REAL"]: return "" rv = ""; rvrest = "" if rptype == "STRING": # we are doing it for a string numVals = len(range) mlen= 0 for val in range: if type(val) != type("STRING"): raise SetupError("'%s' is not a string value for Runtime Parameter '%s'" % (val,rpname)) mlen = max(mlen,len(val)) tpl = '"%%-%ds"' % mlen validValues = [ tpl % val for val in range ] rvrest = ' call rp_rules( "%s", %d, (/ %s /) )' % (rpname, numVals,", ".join(validValues)) rv1 = "" elif rptype in ["INTEGER","REAL"]: # integers or reals # an example number of the given type if rptype == "INTEGER": typ= "1" else: typ= "1.0" numVals = len(range) minVals = [] maxVals = [] for rangespec in range: if rangespec["min"]: minVals.append( clean(rangespec["min"],rptype)) else: minVals.append( "-HUGE(%s)" % typ) if rangespec["max"]: maxVals.append( clean(rangespec["max"],rptype)) else: maxVals.append( "HUGE(%s)" % typ) rvrest = ' call rp_rules( "%s", %d, (/ %s /), (/ %s /) )' % \ (rpname,numVals, ", ".join(minVals), ", ".join(maxVals)) if (len(rvrest) > 0): rv1 = "" while len(rvrest) > 132: rv1 = rv1 + rvrest[:131] + "&\n" rvrest = "&" + rvrest[131:] rv = rv1 + rvrest + "\n" return rv
[docs] def write_default_par(self): """write out a default.par which has all default values commented""" header = ['Copy before editing!!!', 'Created by the setup script.', '', 'Contains default values for all runtime parameters specific to this simulation', ''] #fname = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,setup_globals.RP_DEFAULT_PAR_FILENAME) fname = os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.RP_DEFAULT_PAR_FILENAME) f = LazyFile(fname) f.write('## '+"\n## ".join(header)+"\n\n") locitems = self.locations.items() locitems.sort() for (rpname,rplocations) in locitems: if len(rplocations) != 1: gvars.out.put("%s found in multiple locations %s!! Programming Error?" % (rpname,rplocations)) loc = rplocations[0] rpinfo = self[(loc,rpname)] # ignore documentation things and CONST runtime parameters (which cannot be changed by the user anyway) if rpinfo["TYPE"] in ["DOC","CONST"]: continue if rpinfo["TYPE"] == "BOOLEAN": rpval = ".%s." % rpinfo["VALUE"] else: rpval = rpinfo["VALUE"] f.write("# %-30s = %s\n" % (rpname,rpval)) f.write("\n") f.close() # info about RuntimeParameter functions are hard coded into this function
def write_code(self, config_info): header = '! Runtime-settable parameter initializations;\n'\ '! generated by setup script.\n'\ '! Do not edit!\n\n'\ 'subroutine rp_initParameters(parmfile)\n\n'\ 'character(len=*) :: parmfile\n'\ 'call rp_createParmList()\n'\ 'return\n'\ 'end subroutine rp_initParameters\n\n\n'\ 'subroutine rp_createParmList ()\n\n'\ 'use RuntimeParameters_interface, ONLY : RuntimeParameters_add\n'\ 'use RuntimeParameters_data, ONLY : TYPE_CONST, TYPE_VAR\n\n'\ 'implicit none\n\n'\ '#include "constants.h"\n'\ '#include "rp_rules.h"\n\n' #fname = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir,setup_globals.RP_INIT_PARAMS_FILENAME) fname = os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.RP_INIT_PARAMS_FILENAME) f = LazyFile(fname) f.write(header) locationslist = self.locations.items() locationslist.sort() for (rpname,rplocations) in locationslist: if len(rplocations) != 1: gvars.out.put("%s found in multiple locations %s!! Programming Error?" % (rpname,rplocations)) loc = rplocations[0] rpinfo = self[(loc,rpname)] # Ignore "parameters" which are documentation if rpinfo["TYPE"] == "DOC": continue if rpinfo["TYPE"] == "BOOLEAN": rpvalue = ".%s." else: rpvalue = "%s" rpvalue = rpvalue % rpinfo["VALUE"] #print rpvalue if rpinfo["TYPE"] == "REAL": if rpvalue == "TINY": rpvalue = "TINY(1.0)" elif rpvalue == "HUGE": rpvalue = "HUGE(1.0)" elif rpvalue == "-HUGE": rpvalue = "-HUGE(1.0)" #elif rpinfo["TYPE"] == "INTEGER": # if rpvalue == "MAXINT" # rpvalue = " if rpinfo["CONST"]: f.write(' call RuntimeParameters_add( "%s", %s, %s)\n'%(rpname, rpvalue, "TYPE_CONST")) else: f.write(' call RuntimeParameters_add( "%s", %s)\n'%(rpname, rpvalue)) # The code for interval and enum checking should come here rules = self.genRulesCode(rpname,rpinfo["TYPE"],rpinfo["RANGE"]) if rules: f.write(rules) # #Allocate enough io_plot_var names for all variables in the simulation. # #Not needed here any more, now instead calling addRP from get_rp_info (in for these. # numRegularPlotVars = config_info['max_plot_vars'] # for i in range(1,numRegularPlotVars+1): # f.write(' call RuntimeParameters_add( "%s", %s)\n'%(('plot_var_' + '%d'%i), '"none"')) f.write('\nreturn\nend subroutine rp_createParmList\n\n') f.close()