"""Code which parses the command line arguments for the setup command."""
import string
import re
import getopt
import sys
import os
# Local imports
# Relative imports needed
from .. import FLASH_SRC_DIR
from . import setup_globals
from .lazy_file import LazyFile
from .setup_globals import gvars, SetupError
from .utils import dir_glob, search_paths
########################## Internal implementation ##########################
# default arguments
ADDL_DEF_ARGS = ["+default"]
# options without arguments
WITHOUT_ARGS = ["auto","1d","2d","3d","portable",
"makehide", "curvilinear",
"opt","debug","test", "index-reorder", "strictparams",
"fbs","help", "noclobber", "nofbs"] # nofbs disables fixedBlockSize
# options with arguments
WITH_ARGS = ["maxblocks","nxb","nyb","nzb","verbose","site","ostype",
"defines", "objdir", "locsrcdir", "rundir", "with-unit", "unit", "with-library",
"makefile", "library", "datafiles", "parfile", "tau",
"gridinterpolation", "geometry", "particlemethods"]
USAGE="""usage: setup <problem-name> [options] [VAR=VALUE]...
problem-name: see source/Simulation/SimulationMain directory
(Science Options)
-auto -[123]d
-maxblocks=<#> -nxb=<#> -nyb=<#> -nzb=<#>
-with-unit=<unit> -with-library=<libname>[,args]
-without-unit=<unit> -without-library=<libname>
(Setup and Make Options)
[-site=<site> | -ostype=<ostype>]
[-opt| -debug | -test ]
-objdir=<relative obj directory>
-defines=<defines> -unitsfile=<filename>
-datafiles=<wildcard> -parfile=<filename>
-fbs -nofbs -tau=<makefile>
(Misc Options)
-makehide -noclobber -portable -help
* For GNU compatibility, options may be prefixed by -- instead of - as well
* -unit and -library are considered equivalent to
-with-unit and -with-library respectively.
* For information regarding the [VAR=VALUE] options and using 'setup variables'
refer to User's Guide.
* To read how shortcuts work see README.shortcuts in your bin directory
[docs]def usage():
"""Print usage info and exit"""
print USAGE
ans = raw_input("\nDo you want to see a list of shortcuts I know about [Y/n]?")
ans = ans.replace("\n","")
if ans.lower() in ["y","yes",""]:
if not hasattr(gvars, 'shortcuts'):
gvars.shortcuts = getShortcuts()
sitems = gvars.shortcuts.items()
c = 0
for (k,v) in sitems:
c = max(c,len(k))
tpl = " %%-%ds %%s" % (c+2) # template for printing the dictionary
print "\nTo use a shortcut add '+shortcut' to your setup line."
print "For example ./setup Sod -auto +ug\n"
for k,v in sitems:
print tpl % (k," ".join(v))
raise SetupError("")
[docs]def cleanupCommandLine(args):
"""Return a lists where all single - options are converted to --"""
ans = []
for m in args:
if len(m) > 1 and m[0] == "-" and m[1] != "-":
else: ans.append(m)
return ans
# processes an existing file and returns a dictionary of shortcuts
def getShortcutDict(filename):
sfd = file(filename)
shortcuts = {}
if hasattr(gvars, 'out'):
gvars.out.put("Processing Shortcut file: %s" % filename,setup_globals.IMPINFO)
for line in sfd:
if not line: continue
if line[0] == "#": continue
line = line.strip()
if line and line[-1] in ["\r","\n"]: line = line[:-1]
if line and line[-1] in ["\r","\n"]: line = line[:-1]
if not line: continue
# now we have a valid line
parts = line.split(":")
value = cleanupCommandLine([x.strip() for x in parts[1:] if x])
shortcuts[parts[0].lower()] = value
return shortcuts
# shortcuts is a dictionary mapping shortcut to list of arguments
# shortcut X is invoked as "+x" option to setup
def getShortcuts():
if not os.environ.has_key("SETUP_SHORTCUTS"):
if hasattr(gvars, 'out'):
gvars.out.put("No Shortcut file specified using default",setup_globals.DEBUG)
sfiles = [FLASH_SRC_DIR + "/bin/setup_shortcuts.txt"]
sfiles = os.environ["SETUP_SHORTCUTS"].split(":")
shortcuts = {}
for name in sfiles:
sfile = os.path.abspath(name)
if not os.path.exists(sfile):
if hasattr(gvars, 'out'):
gvars.out.put("Unable to open %s. Ignoring" % sfile,setup_globals.WARN)
else: shortcuts.update(getShortcutDict(sfile))
return shortcuts
[docs]def expandShortcuts(args,RecLimit=255):
"""Expand all shortcuts specified in args.
No more than RecLimit expansions should be required.
This limit can be used to detect circular references"""
ans = []
count = RecLimit
gvars.shortcuts = getShortcuts()
shortcuts = gvars.shortcuts
while args:
scut = args[0]
del args[0]
if scut[0] != setup_globals.SHORTCUT_CHAR:
# found a shortcut
cand = []
# find a shortcut starting with given letters (case insensitive)
for x in shortcuts.keys():
y = x.lower()
if y.startswith(scut[1:].lower()): cand.append(x)
if len(cand) == 1:
scut = cand[0] # only one candidate
elif shortcuts.has_key(scut[1:].lower()): # specified key as such exists
scut = scut[1:].lower() # pick given key
# now process the shortcut
if not shortcuts.has_key(scut): # invalid shortcut
gvars.out.put("\n***WARNING*** Ignoring unknown shortcut %s while expanding %s.\n" % (scut," ".join(args)),setup_globals.IMPINFO)
elif count > 0:
count = count - 1
args[0:0] = shortcuts[scut] # insert expansion of shortcut in front of args
raise SetupError("Too many shortcuts. Circular reference?")
return ans
[docs]def setSetupVars(strlist):
"""Given a list of strings. Identifies those of the form A=B and
updates gvars.setup_vars. Returns unprocessed list of strings"""
ans = []
# declare setup variables for all top level units
# these are boolean variables which decide whether
# to include this unit or not
for x in gvars.topUnitNames: # by default do not include any units
for opt in strlist:
p = opt.find("=")
if p < 0: # no equal found
gvars.setup_vars.set(opt[:p],opt[p+1:]) # set variable to value
return ans
[docs]def custom_getopt(longoptions):
"""Parse command line arguments, working in gnu mode using only longoptions.
GNU MODE = allow non-option arguments to be followed by options.
We also allow user to use shortcuts as well as define variables like make"""
max_shortcuts = 255 # no more than 255 shortcuts allowed per invocation
optvallist = []
rest = []
toparse = cleanupCommandLine(ADDL_DEF_ARGS+sys.argv[1:]) # double "-" to "--"
fulllist = expandShortcuts(toparse) # expand the shortcuts
fullCmdList = [x for x in fulllist if x and (x[0] == "-" or x.find("=") < 1) ] # remove non-options with "=" in it
gvars.fullCmdLine = " ".join(fullCmdList) # this gets printed
toparse = fulllist[:] # make a copy of the list
while toparse:
optval_sublist, toparse = getopt.getopt(toparse,"",longoptions)
if toparse:
badoption = toparse[0]
del toparse[0]
return (fulllist,optvallist,setSetupVars(rest))
def parseCommandLine():
# process all the options
# those requiring arguments suffixed with =
longopts = WITHOUT_ARGS + [x+"=" for x in WITH_ARGS]
(fullcmdline,optvallist,rest) = custom_getopt(longopts)
except getopt.GetoptError,e:
usage() # print usage info
# Not given any program name
if not rest:
# if given many the last one wins
if len(rest) > 1:
gvars.out.put(" WARNING: Multiple problem names given. winner="+rest[-1],setup_globals.WARN)
gvars.simulation_name = rest[-1] # store program name
# Find the approrpiate simualtion directory
# a little tricky to enable project_simulations_dir
sim_dir = search_paths(gvars.simulations_path, gvars.simulation_name)
if not sim_dir.startswith(gvars.project_simulations_dir):
sim_dir = [os.path.relpath(sim_dir, sp) for sp in gvars.source_path
if sim_dir.startswith(sp)][0]
gvars.simulation_dir = sim_dir
# all acceptable values for "--verbose" keyword
vrblevels = {"DEBUG":setup_globals.DEBUG,
# all acceptable values for "--gridinterpolation" keyword
allGridInterpolations = {"MONOTONIC":setup_globals.GRID_INTERP_MONOTONIC,
# all acceptable values for "--geometry" keyword
allGeometries = {"CARTESIAN":setup_globals.GRID_GEOM_CARTESIAN,
withUnits = {} # dictionary to store list of units to add (prevents duplicate entries)
for (arg,val) in optvallist:
if arg == '--portable': gvars.portable = 1
elif arg == '--noclobber': gvars.noClobber = 1
elif arg == '--auto': gvars.auto = 1
elif arg == '--datafiles': gvars.datafiles.append(val)
elif arg == '--parfile': gvars.parfile = val
elif arg == '--debug': gvars.buildFlag = "DEBUG"
elif arg == '--test': gvars.buildFlag = "TEST"
elif arg == '--opt': gvars.buildFlag = "OPT"
elif arg == '--maxblocks': gvars.maxblocks = int(val)
elif arg == '--makehide': gvars.makedisplay = 0
elif arg == '--makefile': gvars.makefileext = "."+val
elif arg == '--nxb': gvars.nxb = int(val)
elif arg == '--nyb': gvars.nyb = int(val)
elif arg == '--nzb': gvars.nzb = int(val)
elif arg == '--site': gvars.build_site = val
elif arg == '--tau': gvars.build_tau = val
elif arg == '--ostype': gvars.build_os = val
elif arg == '--objdir': gvars.project_build_dir = val
elif arg == '--rundir': gvars.rundir = val
elif arg == '--help': usage()
elif arg == '--unitsfile': gvars.unitsfile = val
elif arg == '--fbs': gvars.setup_vars.set("fixedBlockSize",True)
elif arg == '--nofbs': gvars.setup_vars.set("fixedBlockSize", False)
elif arg == '--strictparams': gvars.strictParams = 1
# DEV 'curvilinear'
# * originally used to have the same effect as -gridinterpolation=monotonic
# does now, in addition to #defining GRID_CURVILINEAR 1 in Flash.h.
# * Then there came a time when
# o -curvilinear was deprecated, and
# o -gridinterpolation=monotonic had the effect of always #defining
# GRID_CURVILINEAR 1 in Flash.h.
# * Now the time has come when
# o -gridinterpolation=monotonic does NOT automatically #define GRID_CURVILINEAR;
# o (but -geometry={cylindrical,spherical,polar} still does;)
# o -geometry={cylindrical,spherical,polar} implies -gridinterpolation=monotonic;
# o -curvilinear is not deprecated any more, since it can be used to force
# #defining GRID_CURVILINEAR 1 in Flash.h when this is not automatically
# done any more. That is, -curvilinear can be useful (and has only an effect)
# when -geometry={cylindrical,spherical,polar} is not requested.
# deprecated with introduction of 'gridinterpolation' (below)
# DEV 'curvilinear' now deprecated with introduction of 'gridinterpolation' (below)
elif arg == '--curvilinear':
gvars.out.put("\n***************************** INFO *********************************\n" +
"The -curvilinear flag is nearly always unnecessary.\n" +
"Use --gridinterpolation={cylindrical,spherical,polar} to configure\n" +
"FLASH for a specific non-Cartesian geometry.\n" +
"(These flags are not needed at all when using PARAMESH in LIBRARY\n" +
"MODE, i.e., ParameshLibraryMode=True, or when using Paramesh4dev.)\n" +
gvars.curvilinear = 1
elif arg in ["--1d","--2d","--3d"]:
gvars.dimension = int(arg[2]) # i.e. 1 or 2 or 3
elif arg == "--index-reorder":
gvars.setup_vars.set("GridIndexReordered",True) # for use in Config file
gvars.indexReorder = True # for use in Makefile
gvars.defines.append("-DINDEXREORDER") # for use in code
elif arg in ["--with-unit","--unit"]:
if val.endswith(os.sep): val = val[:-1]
if val.startswith("source"+os.sep): val = val[7:]
withUnits[val] = 1
gvars.setup_vars.addunit(val,True) # set corresponding setup var to true
elif arg == "--without-unit": # remove all units added which come under specified unit
# also add to list of units to be ignored when handling REQUESTS keyword
if val.endswith(os.sep): val = val[:-1]
rmlist = [x for x in withUnits.keys() if x == val or x.startswith(val+os.sep)]
for x in rmlist:
del withUnits[x]
gvars.withoutUnits[val] = 1
elif arg == "--kill-unit":
gvars.killUnits[val] = 1
elif arg in ["--with-library","--library"]:
if not val: continue # no name given --> ignore
parts = val.split(",")
libname = parts[0]
args = string.join(parts[1:]," ") # replace commas with space
if len(args) >= 2 and args[0] == args[-1] and args[0] in ['"',"'"]: # argument has been quoted
args = args[1:-1]
gvars.with_libraries[libname.lower()] = args
elif arg == "--without-library":
val = val.lower()
if gvars.with_libraries.has_key(val): del gvars.with_libraries[val]
gvars.withoutLibraries[val] = 1
elif arg == '--verbose': # set verbosity level
if not val: continue # no argument dont change level
if vrblevels.has_key(val.upper()):
gvars.verbose = vrblevels[val.upper()]
gvars.out.put("Unrecognized verbosity level [%s]" % val,setup_globals.ERROR)
elif arg == '--gridinterpolation': # set grid interpolation
if not val: continue # no argument; don't change interpolation
if allGridInterpolations.has_key(val.upper()):
gvars.gridInterpolation = allGridInterpolations[val.upper()]
gvars.out.put("Unrecognized grid interpolation [%s]" % val, setup_globals.ERROR)
elif arg == '--geometry': # set geometry
if not val: continue # no argument; don't change geom
if allGeometries.has_key(val.upper()):
gvars.gridGeometry = allGeometries[val.upper()]
if val.upper() != "CARTESIAN":
# All geometries other than cartesian (i.e. cylindrical,
# spherical, and polar) are automatically curvilinear.
# (See note above on -curvilinear.)
gvars.curvilinear = 1
gvars.out.put("Unrecognized geometry [%s]" % val, setup_globals.ERROR)
elif arg == "--defines": # declare additional CPP/FPP stuff
if not val: # kill existing defines
for x in val.split(","):
x = x.strip()
p = x.find("=")
if p < 0: # no = so just a flag
name = x
val = None
name = x[:p]
val = x[p+1:].strip()
if val:
gvars.defines.append("-D%s=%s" % (name.upper(),val))
gvars.defines.append("-D%s" % name.upper())
elif arg == "--particlemethods":
keywordParticleType = "TYPE"
keywordOverrideList = ["INIT","MAP","ADV"]
nameValuePairs = []
particleType = ""
for x in val.split(","):
x = x.strip()
p = x.find("=")
if p < 0: # We require keywords and associated values.
raise SetupError("particlemethods option: must contain 'keyword=value' pairs!")
name = x[:p]
val = x[p+1:].strip()
if (name.upper() == keywordParticleType):
particleType = val[:].upper()
#Only add the name,value pair if it is an option
#we can override.
if name.upper() in keywordOverrideList:
raise SetupError("particlemethods option: keyword '%s' no recognized!" % name)
if (particleType != ""):
gvars.particleMethods[particleType] = nameValuePairs
raise SetupError("particlemethods option: must specify a particle type with TYPE=<name of particle type>!")
if not val:
a = arg
else: a = "%s=%s" % (arg,val)
gvars.out.put('Invalid Option: %s' % a,setup_globals.ERROR)
# takes care of duplicate --with-unit=X arguments
gvars.withUnits = withUnits.keys()
# inform gvars.out about the verbosity level
gvars.out.debuglevel = gvars.verbose
# Perform basic checks on user options
def checkOpts():
if gvars.auto and gvars.unitsfile:
raise SetupError("-unitsfile cannot be used with -auto")
if ((gvars.gridInterpolation == setup_globals.GRID_INTERP_NATIVE) and
(gvars.gridGeometry == setup_globals.GRID_GEOM_CYLINDRICAL or
gvars.gridGeometry == setup_globals.GRID_GEOM_SPHERICAL or
gvars.gridGeometry == setup_globals.GRID_GEOM_POLAR)):
raise SetupError("Native Grid interpolation may not be used with %s" % gvars.gridGeometry)
if gvars.dimension < 3:
if gvars.nzb != None:
raise SetupError("Must not specify nzb for dimensionality < 3d")
if gvars.dimension < 2:
if gvars.nyb != None:
raise SetupError("Must not specify nyb for dimensionality < 2d")
# finalize all the options made
# this is called after unit_list.adjust_opts()
def finalizeOpts():
if gvars.nzb == None:
if gvars.dimension > 2:
gvars.nzb = 8
gvars.nzb = 1
if gvars.nyb == None:
if gvars.dimension > 1:
gvars.nyb = 8
gvars.nyb = 1
if gvars.nxb == None:
gvars.nxb = 8
defines = {}
defines["N_DIM"] = gvars.dimension
defines["MAXBLOCKS"] = gvars.maxblocks
defines["NXB"] = gvars.nxb
defines["NYB"] = gvars.nyb
defines["NZB"] = gvars.nzb
## if gvars.setup_vars.get("ParameshLibraryMode"):
## defines["LIBRARY"] = None
ditems = defines.items()
for (k,v) in ditems:
if v:
gvars.defines.append("-D%s=%s"% (k,v))
else: gvars.defines.append("-D%s"% k)
# if old defines file exists, check if new defines conflict with old one
newDefines = None # the defines have not changed
#od = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir)
od = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_setup_dir)
sd = os.path.join(od,setup_globals.SETUP_DEFINES_FILENAME)
if not os.path.isdir(od): os.makedirs(od)
f = LazyFile(sd)
for a in gvars.defines: f.write(a+"\n")
newDefines = not f.samefile
# if defines changed and we wanted noClobber
if newDefines and gvars.noClobber == 1:
gvars.out.put("Compile Time Parameters changed since last run. Ignoring noclobber",setup_globals.WARN)
gvars.noClobber = 0
################################## External Interface ################################3
def parse():
def final():
def write_cmd_line():
#file = open(os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, gvars.project_build_dir, setup_globals.SETUP_CALL_FILENAME), 'w')
file = open(os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.SETUP_CALL_FILENAME), 'w')
for arg in sys.argv:
file.write(arg+' ')
file.write('\nExpanded Command line\n')
file.write('%s\n' % gvars.fullCmdLine)
file.write('\nDefined Setup Variables:\n\n')