"""Code to generate files, based on a template"""
import string
import re
import os.path
import UserDict
# relative imports needed
from . import setup_globals
from .setup_globals import gvars, SetupError
from .lazy_file import LazyFile
[docs]class Template(UserDict.UserDict):
"""Generates file filename using template as the template
Lines starting with comment in the template are suppressed
other lines are % substituted against the given
returns if generatedFile is same as existing file
def __init__(self,template,comment="##"):
if not os.path.isfile(template):
raise SetupError("Template file %s not found" % template)
self.template = os.path.abspath(template)
self.comment = comment
self.check = None # Dont perform checks on what is being accessed
self.__getitem = UserDict.UserDict.__getitem__
self.__setitem = UserDict.UserDict.__setitem__
def __setitem__(self,key,value):
if type(value) in [type([]),type(()),type({})]:
maxlen = max([len(str(x)) for x in value])
except ValueError:
maxlen = 0
self.__setitem(self,"MAXLEN_"+key, maxlen)
def update(self,dict):
for (k,v) in dict.items(): self[k] = v
# Fancy printing of list entries
def __getitem__(self,key):
parts = key.split("|")
if len(parts) == 1: # No | found
if key.find("!") < 0: #simple variables
return self.__getitem(self,key)
else: return self.__printlist(key,"")
# we have a nil value
var = parts[0] # variable to print
nil = parts[1] # print if NULL or empty or 0
if var.find("!") < 0: # we are printing a string or integer
if self[var]:
return self.__getitem(self,var)
else: return nil
# Now we need to handle sequence type with a nil value
return self.__printlist(var,nil)
# Check if value is a simple datatype
def __checksimple(self,key):
if not self.check: return
if not self.has_key(key):
raise SetupError("Variable %s unknown in template %s"
% (key,self.template), setup_globals.IMPINFO)
tkey = type(self.__getitem(self,key))
if tkey in [type(0),type(""),type(None)]: return
gvars.out.put("WARNING: In template %s you are using the variable '%s' as a simple variable"
% (self.template,key), setup_globals.IMPINFO)
gvars.out.put("But it has type %s" % tkey, setup_globals.IMPINFO)
# Allow fancy stuff inside %(...)s
# Never use self[...] in this code as we are implementing the code for self[...]
def __printlist(self,key,nilvalue):
parts = key.split("!")
if len(parts) > 3:
raise SetupError("Bad Template Syntax (%s) in %s\n Found more than 2 !"% (key,self.template))
info = {"num" : 1, # block size
"var" : "", # name of list variable
"in" : "", # inner separator
"out" : "", # outer separator
"rpad": "", # pad all entries with spaces to right so they come out as same length
mobj = re.match("^(?P<num>[0-9]*)(?P<var>[a-zA-Z_]*)(?P<rpad> *)$",
if not mobj:
raise SetupError("Bad template syntax (%s) in %s" % (key,self.template))
if not self.has_key(info["var"]):
raise SetupError("Unknown variable %s while expanding template %s" % (info["var"],self.templte))
vals = self.__getitem(self,info["var"])
if type(vals) not in [type([]),type(())]:
raise SetupError("Variable %s has type %s in template %s -- not a sequence type"
% (info["var"],type(vals),self.template))
# Handle trivial case - empty sequence
if not vals:
return nilvalue
# compute block size
if info["num"]:
info["num"] = int(info["num"])
else: info["num"] = 1
# parse meaning of parts
if info["num"] == 1:
# pretend block size 2 with inner and outer sep same
info["num"] = 2
info["in"] = parts[1]
info["out"] = parts[1]
if len(parts) == 2:
raise SetupError("""Bad Template Syntax (%s) in %s For non-trivial block size you must specify inner and outer separators""" % (key,self.template))
info["in"] = parts[1]
info["out"]= parts[2]
# form the output string
count = 0
ans = []
if info["rpad"]:
tstr = "%%-%ds"% self.__getitem(self,"MAXLEN_"+info["var"])
else: tstr = "%s"
for val in vals:
count += 1
ans.append(tstr % val)
if count % info["num"] == 0: # end of block
else: ans.append(info["in"])
# we have an extra separator at the end
return string.join(ans[:-1],"")
def generate(self,filename):
def repl(mobj):
s = mobj.group(0)
if s == r"\\": return '\\'
elif s == r"\t": return '\t'
elif s == r"\r": return '\r'
elif s == r"\n": return '\n'
else: return s
infd = open(self.template,"r")
# if the out file already exists and is a link, kill it
if os.path.islink(filename): os.remove(filename)
outfd= LazyFile(filename)
length = len(self.comment)
self.check = 1 # Perform checks on what is being accessed
for line in infd.readlines():
if line[:length] == self.comment: continue # skip comments
# perform % substitution and replace \{\rtn} sequences
outfd.write( re.sub(r"\\.",repl,line) % self)
self.check = None # disable checks
return outfd.samefile