Source code for flash.flmake.utils

"""Bunch of small functions doing for useful stuff for flmake"""
import re
import sys
import os
import string
import glob
import socket
import re
import time
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

# relative imports needed
from .. import _metadata, FLASH_SRC_DIR, FLASH_CLEAN_SRC_DIR
from ..utils import strip_comments, warning
from . import setup_globals
from .setup_globals import gvars, SetupError
from .lazy_file import LazyFile

TEMPDIR = tempfile.gettempdir()

# version contol functions

[docs]def git_info(d): """Return the git version information for a directory.""" branch_cmd = ['git', 'branch', '--no-color'] branch_out = subprocess.check_output(branch_cmd, cwd=d) branch ='\* (.*?)\s*\n', branch_out).group(1) hash_cmd = ['git', 'rev-list', 'HEAD', '-1'] hash_out = subprocess.check_output(hash_cmd, cwd=d) hash = hash_out.strip() return 'git', branch, hash
[docs]def hg_info(d): """Return the mecurial version information for a directory.""" id_cmd = ['hg', 'id', '-i', '-b'] id_out = subprocess.check_output(id_cmd, cwd=d) id, branch = id_out.split() return 'hg', branch, id
[docs]def svn_info(d): """Return the subversion information for a directory.""" info_cmd = ['svn', 'info'] info_out = subprocess.check_output(info_cmd, cwd=d) branch ='Repository Root: (.*?)\s*\n', info_out).group(1) branch = os.path.split(branch)[-1] rev ='Revision: (.*?)\s*\n', info_out).group(1) return 'svn', branch, rev
[docs]def release_info(d): """Returns the version information for a stable FLASH release.""" with open(os.path.join(d, 'RELEASE')) as f: ver = if os.path.exists(FLASH_CLEAN_SRC_DIR): rtn = 'release', '', ver else: rtn = tuple() print warning("Flash release used, but clean copy not found " "at FLASH_CLEAN_SRC_DIR:" + FLASH_CLEAN_SRC_DIR) return rtn
[docs]def vc_info(d): """Gets the version control information of a directory. Returns either an empty tuple when no repo is found or a 3-tuple of (repo-type, branch, version) when it is.""" ls = [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(d)) if f in ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', 'RELEASE']] vc_type = None if 0 == len(ls) else ls[0] vc_switch = {None: lambda x: tuple(), '.git': git_info, '.hg': hg_info, '.svn': svn_info, 'RELEASE': release_info, } try: info = vc_switch[vc_type](d) except OSError: print warning("{0} data found, but {0} info failed".format(vc_type)) info = tuple() return info
[docs]def release_diff(src, clean_src): """Diffs a release directory with the clean version of the release dir.""" clean_relpath = os.path.relpath(clean_src, src) visible_files = [f for f in os.listdir(src) if not f.startswith('.')] diffs = "" for f in visible_files: cmd = ['diff', '-rupN', os.path.join(clean_relpath, f), f] diffs += subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=src) + "\n" return diffs
[docs]def vc_diff(d, vc_type=None): """Makes diff of the version controlled directory.""" if vc_type is None: ls = [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(d)) if f in ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', 'RELEASE']] vc_type = None if 0 == len(ls) else ls[0].replace('.', '').lower() vc_func = lambda p, v: subprocess.check_output([v, 'diff'], cwd=p) vc_switch = {None: lambda p, v: "", 'git': vc_func, 'hg': vc_func, 'svn': vc_func, 'release': release_diff, } v = FLASH_CLEAN_SRC_DIR if vc_type == 'release' else vc_type try: diff = vc_switch[vc_type](d, v) except OSError: print warning("{0} data found, but {0} diff failed".format(vc_type)) diff = "" return diff
[docs]def vc_patch(d, diff, vc_type=None): """Applies a patch to a version controlled directory.""" if vc_type is None: ls = [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(d)) if f in ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', 'RELEASE']] vc_type = None if 0 == len(ls) else ls[0].replace('.', '').lower() patchfile = os.path.join(TEMPDIR, "patchfile") with open(patchfile, 'w') as f: f.write(diff) patch_level = {'git': '-p1', 'hg': '-p1', 'svn': '-p0', 'release': '', } try: subprocess.check_output(" ".join(['patch', patch_level[vc_type], '<', patchfile]), cwd=d, shell=True) except OSError: print warning("patching {0} failed".format(d)) finally: os.remove(patchfile)
[docs]def git_checkout(src, info, base=TEMPDIR, cmd=None): """Checks out out a copy of the git repo at info point in history in the base directory.""" bn = "{0}-{1}{2}".format(os.path.basename(src), ("" if cmd is None else cmd + '-'), "_".join(info)) targ = os.path.join(base, bn) if os.path.exists(targ): return targ subprocess.check_output(['git', 'clone', src, targ]) subprocess.check_output(['git', 'checkout', info[1]], cwd=targ) subprocess.check_output(['git', 'reset', '--hard', info[2]], cwd=targ) return targ
[docs]def hg_checkout(src, info, base=TEMPDIR, cmd=None): """Checks out out a copy of the hg repo at info point in history in the base directory.""" bn = "{0}-{1}{2}".format(os.path.basename(src), ("" if cmd is None else cmd + '-'), "_".join(info)) targ = os.path.join(base, bn) if os.path.exists(targ): return targ subprocess.check_output(['hg', 'clone', src, targ]) subprocess.check_output(['hg', 'update', '-C', info[1]], cwd=targ) subprocess.check_output(['hg', 'update', '-r', info[2]], cwd=targ) return targ
[docs]def svn_checkout(src, info, base=TEMPDIR, cmd=None): """Checks out out a copy of the svn repo at info point in history in the base directory.""" bn = "{0}-{1}{2}".format(os.path.basename(src), ("" if cmd is None else cmd + '-'), "_".join(info)) targ = os.path.join(base, bn) if os.path.exists(targ): return targ src_info = svn_info(src) if info[1] != src_info[1]: msg = "branch {0} of svn repo {1} does not match {2}" msg = msg.format(src_info[1], src, info[1]) raise RuntimeError(msg) shutil.copytree(src, targ) subprocess.check_output(['svn', 'revert', '-R', '.'], cwd=targ) revert_command = ['svn', 'merge', '-r{0}:{1}'.format(src_info[1], info[1]), info[2], '.'] subprocess.check_output(revert_command, cwd=targ) return targ
[docs]def release_checkout(src, info, base=TEMPDIR, cmd=None): """Checks out out a copy of the repo at info point in history in the base directory.""" bn = ("" if cmd is None else cmd + '-') + info[0] + '_' + info[2] targ = os.path.join(base, bn) if os.path.exists(targ): return targ shutil.copytree(src, targ) return targ
[docs]def vc_checkout(src, info, base=TEMPDIR, cmd=None): """Checks out out a copy of the source repo at info point in history in the base directory.""" vc_switch = {'git': git_checkout, 'hg': hg_checkout, 'svn': svn_checkout, 'release': release_checkout, } src = FLASH_CLEAN_SRC_DIR if info[0] == 'release' else src try: targ = vc_switch[info[0]](src, info, base, cmd) except OSError: print warning("failed to checkout {0} via {1} at {2} {3}.".format(src, *info)) targ = "" return targ # # Other utilites #
[docs]def search_paths(paths, file_or_dir): """Searches the paths for a file (or directory). Parameters ---------- paths : list of str Paths to search. file_or_dir : str File or directory name to find. Returns ------- fullpath : str Full path of file or directory, '/path/to/file'.""" fullpath = None for path in paths: tmpfullpath = os.path.join(path, file_or_dir) # Ensure valid path if not os.path.isdir(path): continue # Search path if os.path.exists(tmpfullpath): fullpath = tmpfullpath break else: subpaths = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, f)) for f in os.listdir(path)] subsearch = search_paths(subpaths, file_or_dir) if subsearch is not None: fullpath = subsearch break return fullpath
[docs]def desc_cmd_metadata(project_dir='.'): """Gathers desc metadata common to all flmake commands.""" desc_meta = {} desc_meta['env'] = dict(os.environ) desc_meta['metadata'] = _metadata desc_meta['timestamp'] = time.time() desc_meta['command'] = sys.argv desc_meta['source_version'] = vc_info(FLASH_SRC_DIR) desc_meta['source_diff'] = vc_diff(FLASH_SRC_DIR) desc_meta['project_version'] = vc_info(project_dir) desc_meta['project_diff'] = vc_diff(project_dir) rcfilename = os.path.join(project_dir, '') if os.path.isfile(rcfilename): with open(rcfilename) as f: rcfile = else: rcfile = "" desc_meta['rcfile'] = rcfile return desc_meta
[docs]def hash_list_to_dict(hashes, d=None): """Converts a list of hashes to a recursive dictionary.""" if d is None: d = {} curr_d = d for h in hashes: if h not in curr_d: curr_d[h] = {} curr_d = curr_d[h] return d
[docs]def hash_dict_to_str(hash_dict, labels=None, indent_str=""): """Converts a hash dictionary to a str. Nice for printing.""" if labels is None: labels = {} s = "" hd_len = len(hash_dict) if 0 < hd_len: for i, h in enumerate(sorted(hash_dict.keys())): next_indent_str = indent_str + ("| " if 1 < hd_len and i != hd_len - 1 else " ") s += indent_str s += "+-" + ("{0} ({1})".format(h, labels[h]) if h in labels else h) s += "\n" + hash_dict_to_str(hash_dict[h], labels, next_indent_str) return s
[docs]def get_rel_path(filename, basedir): """Return the relative path to FILENAME from basedir""" sep = os.sep srcdir = os.path.abspath(basedir) + sep tgtdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) + sep # most common prefix (will end with "/" or contain extra chars cp = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix([srcdir, tgtdir])) # Handles the special case when common prefix is "/" if cp[-1] != sep: cp = cp + sep src = srcdir[len(cp):] tgt = tgtdir[len(cp):] # src and tgt contains name relative to cp c = src.count(sep) # how many levels up to reach common dir if c == 0: prefix = "." + sep else: prefix = c*(".." + sep) return os.path.join(prefix + tgt, os.path.basename(filename))
[docs]def dir_glob(pathname): """Takes a pattern (absolute or relative to current directory) and returns a list of directories matching pattern. The match is made case-insensitive""" # maps a -> [aA] but "/" -> "/", "1" -> "1" mapfn = lambda x: (x.upper() != x.lower() and "[{0}{1}]".format(x.lower(), x.upper())) or x globstr = "".join(map(mapfn, pathname)) # concatenate # find files which match pathname (except for case) files = glob.glob(globstr) # return only those of which are directories return [name for name in files if os.path.isdir(name)]
def get_os_type(prototypes_dir): ostype = sys.platform.lower() if '-' in ostype: ostype = ostype[:ostype.find('-')] for proto in os.listdir(prototypes_dir): if ostype.count(proto.lower()): return proto return ostype
[docs]def getHostName(sitesDir): """Returns the hostname to use.""" #Change made by sam 09/01/2011. A bug occurs when trying to get the #host by address for machines without dns entries in a name server #or on a machine without a connection to a dns server tempHostName = socket.gethostname() try: temp = socket.gethostbyaddr(tempHostName) except: temp = (socket.getfqdn(),[]) fallback = temp[0] namesToTry = [temp[0]] namesToTry.append(socket.gethostname()) namesToTry.extend(temp[1]) # list of addl names for the current host # Read the alias file into memory aliasLines = [] try: aliasFile = open(os.path.join(sitesDir,'Aliases')) gvars.out.put('checking sites Aliases file', setup_globals.IMPINFO) for line in aliasFile.readlines(): line = strip_comments(line, '#','"') line = string.strip(line) if line: parts = string.split(line) if len(parts) <> 2: gvars.out.put("Ignoring bad Aliases file line '%s'" % string.strip(line),globals.WARN) else: aliasLines.append(parts) aliasFile.close() except IOError: gvars.out.push() gvars.out.put("couldn't open sites Aliases file",globals.WARN) gvars.out.pop() # try all these hostnames and return the first one which # succeeds. If all fails just return what we would normally # have returned for name in namesToTry: touse = getHostNameToUse(sitesDir,name,aliasLines) if touse: return touse return fallback
def getHostNameToUse(sitesDir,hostname,aliasLines): for (site,regex) in aliasLines: if re.match(regex, hostname) != None: hostname = site break ans = None for site in os.listdir(sitesDir): if string.count(hostname, site): ans = site return ans
[docs]def determine_machine(): """Returns directory of proper machine to use""" gvars.out.put('checking for needed files and directories', setup_globals.IMPINFO) gvars.out.push() siteDir = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir, 'sites') systemsDir = os.path.join(siteDir, 'Prototypes') ostype = get_os_type(systemsDir) if gvars.build_tau: gvars.out.put('using TAU stub makefile '+gvars.build_tau,setup_globals.IMPINFO) if gvars.build_site: machdir = os.path.join(siteDir, gvars.build_site) if os.path.isdir(machdir): gvars.out.put('using site directory for site '+gvars.build_site, setup_globals.IMPINFO) else: raise SetupError('fatal: could not find site directory for '\ 'site %s'%gvars.build_site, setup_globals.ERROR) elif gvars.build_os: machdir = os.path.join(systemsDir, gvars.build_os) if os.path.isdir(machdir): gvars.out.put('using prototype directory for ostype '+ \ gvars.build_os, setup_globals.IMPINFO) else: raise SetupError('fatal: could not find prototype directory for ' 'ostype ' + gvars.build_os, setup_globals.ERROR) else: hostname = getHostName(siteDir) machdir = os.path.join(siteDir, hostname) if os.path.isdir(machdir): gvars.out.put('using site directory for site '+hostname, setup_globals.IMPINFO) else: machdir = os.path.join(systemsDir, ostype) if os.path.isdir(machdir): gvars.out.put('site directory for site '+hostname+\ ' not found;', setup_globals.WARN) gvars.out.put('using prototype '+ostype, setup_globals.WARN) else: raise SetupError('fatal: could not find site for prototype'\ ' directory!\n' ' specify site or ostype, or else '\ 'create a directory for your site\n\n' ' site = %s' '\n ostype = %s'%(hostname,ostype)) gvars.out.pop() return machdir
[docs]def strictlyCaseSensitiveFilenames(): """Determines whether case is strictly significant in filenames""" gvars.out.put('checking case-sensitivity of filenames', setup_globals.INFO) gvars.out.push() testname1 = 'TestFileName_tempFile123.mod' testname2 = 'testfilename_tempfile123.mod' # Strategy: # (1) Make sure file testname2 does nto exist in the object directory # (2) Generate file testname1 in the object directory # (3) If now file testname2 exists in the object directory, filenames # are not handled in a strictly case-independenty manner; otherwise, # assume that they are. file1 = os.path.abspath(testname1) file2 = os.path.abspath(testname2) if os.path.exists(file2): os.remove(file2) open(file1,'w') if os.path.exists(file2): ans = 0 else: ans = 1 os.remove(file1) gvars.out.put('determined case sensitivity to be %d' % ans, setup_globals.DEBUG) gvars.out.pop() return ans
[docs]def add_simple_opts(parser, opts): """Adds optional arguments (ie those that start with parser.prefix_chars) to the parser. The parser must be an instance of the argparse.ArgumentParser and opts should be a list of arguments. Positional arguments (those that do not start with parser.prefix_chars) and optional argument values are ignored by this function.""" prechars = set(parser.prefix_chars) opt_strings = set([act.option_strings[0] for act in parser._actions]) for opt in opts: opt = opt.strip().partition('=')[0] if (len(opt) < 2) or (opt[0] not in prechars): continue opt = opt if opt[1] in prechars else opt[:2] if opt in opt_strings: continue parser.add_argument(opt, default=None, nargs="?") opt_strings.add(opt)