Source code for flash.flmake.var_info

"""Code related to Variable COMMENTS"""
import string
import re
import sys
import UserDict
import os.path

# relative imports needed
from . import setup_globals
from .setup_globals import gvars, SetupError

[docs]class VarInfo(UserDict.UserDict): """Class which keeps track of variables and related info To each variable we keep track of the following info "NAME" of the variable "ATTRIBUTES" - Conservation laws satisfied "COMMENT" - Info regarding use of variable self is a dictionary mapping ("LOCATION","NAME","TYPE") to other info """ def addVar(self,name,type="Unknown",attribs=[],location="",comment=""): if self.has_key((location,name,type)): # same combo of both is there gvars.out.push() gvars.out.put('\nWARNING: %s %s is defined in %s multiple times. Ignoring new instance\n' % (type,name,location),setup_globals.WARN) gvars.out.pop() return ans = { "ATTRIBS":attribs, "COMMENT":comment} self[(location,name,type)] = ans def write_var_info(self,fname=None,prefix=""): if not fname: #fname = os.path.join(gvars.flash_src_dir,gvars.project_build_dir, setup_globals.SETUP_VARS_FILENAME) fname = os.path.join(gvars.project_setup_dir, setup_globals.SETUP_VARS_FILENAME) out = setup_globals.IndentedOutput(4, open(fname, 'w')) varlist = [ (name,type,loc,a) for ((loc,name,type),a) in self.items() ] varlist.sort() currunit = None for (varname,vartype,unitname,varinfo) in varlist: if not unitname.startswith(prefix): continue out.put('Name: %s' % varname) out.put('Location: %s' % unitname) out.put('Type: %s' % vartype) out.put('Description:') out.push() out.put(varinfo["COMMENT"]) out.pop() out.put("") out.file.close()