For various reasons a FLASH simulation may die or be interrupted partway through execution. In these cases, FLASH provides a mechanism for restarted the simulation from previously generated checkpoint files and an appropriately adjusted flash.par file. The flmake restart command provides and easy way to restart the execution of a previously terminated FLASH run.
Since the runtime parameters flash.par file must be edited all restarts must be counted as their own runs. To avoid excessive file copying, symbolic links to the files in the previous run directories are made in the restart directory. Therefore the user should be aware of possible missing paths when moving a directory further up the run history tree.
Note that the restart command appends the previous run id to the run history.
flmake restart <prevdir> [options]
This command requires the directory of the run to restart (<prevdir>) be provided. Furthermore, all other options are passed down to MPIRUN_CMD like with the run command.