plotting with output, matplotlib, and yt

The following is based on a presentation given at the FLASH Center Astro group meeting on April 25th, 2012.


Make easy, reproducible, publication-quality figures.



The existing solutions were inappropriate for the following reasons:

  • VisIt: Difficult to make publication worthy and even more difficult to reproduce.
  • yt: Lack of full control over basic objects (labels, legends, color maps, etc).

We are going to need a bigger boat...

Key Points

  • Though it is marketed as a visualization tool, yt is a fully-fledged analysis platform for FLASH.
  • Since yt is well-factored, the visualization & analysis two feature sets are distinct.
  • Thus we can replace yt’s plotting functionality with something easier and more empowering to the user.
  • (cough matplotlib)

Output Module

In the flash namespace we now have access to the output module which contains several functions which return raw data that is suitable for plotting:

from flash.output import *

lineout(p1, p2, field, pf, **kwargs)
shock_on_lineout(p1, p2, field, pf, threshold=1e-06, min_threshold=1e-36, **kwargs)
slice(axis, coord, field, pf, bounds=None, resolution=600, method='nearest', **kwargs)
slice_gradient(axis, coord, field, pf, bounds=None, resolution=600, method='nearest', **kwargs)

Lineouts can be piped to the matplotlib plot() function while the slices can be sent to imshow().

Projections could be easily added.

A Quick Example

In a terminal, run:

$ mkdir temp
$ cd temp
$ flmake setup -auto Sedov
$ flmake build -j 20
$ flmake run -n 20

Then in Python, run:

from flash import output
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, y, z = output.slice(2, 0.0, 'dens', "<path to chk>")

You should see something like:


What is yt doing?

  • Under the covers, yt has file handlers called plotfiles (pf) which live in plot collections (pc).
  • On the pf live Hierarchy objects (aliased h) which provide a common interface for common operations (ray, slice, projection, etc) for all supported file type.
  • These operations follow a pattern whereby they return special mappings keyed by fields (dens, etc). For flash, pf.h.slice() will return an amr_slice[field].

If this wasn’t confusing enough, these mapping are lazily evaluated. The fields don’t necessarily exist until you ask for them:

In [7]: amr_slice.fields
Out[7]: ['dens', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'pdx', 'pdy', 'pdz', 'x', 'y', 'z']

In [8]: amr_slice['targ']
Out[8]: array([ 0.47239542,  0.47150037,  0.4828257 , ...,  0.        ,
                0.        ,  0.        ])

In [9]: amr_slice.fields
Out[9]: ['dens', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'pdx', 'pdy', 'pdz', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'targ']

What is the output module doing?

  • The point of the output module is to abstract a lot of these under-the-cover yt issues.
  • Moreover, it is faster than pure yt because it caches the special hierarchy mappings to prevent excessive re-reads (ie changing the resolution will only read in all the slice data the first time).

Furthermore since we are sitting on the yt analysis layer, we have access to all of their capabilities - including derived fields.

from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import add_field

# register electron density field
def _edens(field, data):
    return data['ye'] * data['dens'] * data['sumy'] * 6.022E23

add_field ('edens', function=_edens, take_log=True)

# use this field with output functions
x, y, z = output.slice(2, 0.0, 'edens', "<path to chk>")


  • The yt back end is great and gets us 90% of the way there. However, its front end visualization is a little too crippled for daily use.
  • Using matplotlib instead gives us the perfect combination of data model and view.
  • Some convenience functions which glue these two together have already been written. More can be added and already have a place to live!