The following is based on a presentation given at the FLASH Center Astro group meeting on April 25th, 2012.
The existing solutions were inappropriate for the following reasons:
- VisIt: Difficult to make publication worthy and even more difficult to reproduce.
- yt: Lack of full control over basic objects (labels, legends, color maps, etc).
We are going to need a bigger boat...
In the flash namespace we now have access to the output module which contains several functions which return raw data that is suitable for plotting:
from flash.output import *
lineout(p1, p2, field, pf, **kwargs)
shock_on_lineout(p1, p2, field, pf, threshold=1e-06, min_threshold=1e-36, **kwargs)
slice(axis, coord, field, pf, bounds=None, resolution=600, method='nearest', **kwargs)
slice_gradient(axis, coord, field, pf, bounds=None, resolution=600, method='nearest', **kwargs)
Lineouts can be piped to the matplotlib plot() function while the slices can be sent to imshow().
Projections could be easily added.
In a terminal, run:
$ mkdir temp
$ cd temp
$ flmake setup -auto Sedov
$ flmake build -j 20
$ flmake run -n 20
Then in Python, run:
from flash import output
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, y, z = output.slice(2, 0.0, 'dens', "<path to chk>")
You should see something like:
If this wasn’t confusing enough, these mapping are lazily evaluated. The fields don’t necessarily exist until you ask for them:
In [7]: amr_slice.fields
Out[7]: ['dens', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'pdx', 'pdy', 'pdz', 'x', 'y', 'z']
In [8]: amr_slice['targ']
Out[8]: array([ 0.47239542, 0.47150037, 0.4828257 , ..., 0. ,
0. , 0. ])
In [9]: amr_slice.fields
Out[9]: ['dens', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'pdx', 'pdy', 'pdz', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'targ']
Furthermore since we are sitting on the yt analysis layer, we have access to all of their capabilities - including derived fields.
from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import add_field
# register electron density field
def _edens(field, data):
return data['ye'] * data['dens'] * data['sumy'] * 6.022E23
add_field ('edens', function=_edens, take_log=True)
# use this field with output functions
x, y, z = output.slice(2, 0.0, 'edens', "<path to chk>")