[FLASH-USERS] ERROR: unable to allocate temp particle buffer

Paul M. Rich richp at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 23 16:30:04 EDT 2008

I also should add that this temporary buffer is needed on write-out for 
essentially the same reason it is needed for read in in serial IO.

University of Chicago

Paul M. Rich wrote:
> Latif,
> What is your MaxParticlesPerProc?  If this is too high, at a high 
> resolution you can run out of memory to allocate from the heap.  Does 
> it work if you lower the MaxParticlesPerProc? Serial IO requires a 
> secondary particle buffer to  move data from the master pe to the 
> other pe's on read-in.  Also, about how much memory do you have per 
> core on the machine you're trying this on?
> --Paul
> -------------------------------
> ASC FLASH Center
> University of Chicago
> M.A. Latife wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Dear All,
>> i am running simulation including Particles and gas. when i put more 
>> resolution like lrefine_min=5 and lrefine_max  =8  and max blocks 
>> more than 2000 for 2-D i get the following error in log file. Can any 
>> body tell me why it is happening and what is the possible solution 
>> for it.i have checked separately for particles and gas for high 
>> resolution, both work fine.
>> Best Regards
>> Latif
>> ./setup test -maxblocks=5000 -auto
>> Following is out put written in log file
>>  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated at 11:34.03
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=5 
>> max=5 tot=5
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=4 
>> max=4 tot=4
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated 
>> at 11:34.03
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=21 
>> max=21 tot=21
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=16 
>> max=16 tot=16
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated 
>> at 11:34.03
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=85 
>> max=85 tot=85
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=64 
>> max=64 tot=64
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated 
>> at 11:34.03
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=341 
>> max=341 tot=341
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=256 
>> max=256 tot=256
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.04 ] message: [CHECKPOINT_WR] NOTE: will 
>> send          459     blocks per message.
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.04 ] flash_abort: abort_flash() called by 
>> PE           0
>> [ 06-18-2008  11:34.04 ] abort_message: [CHECKPOINT_WR] ERROR: unable 
>> to allocate temp particle buffer

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