[FLASH-USERS] Possibility of restarting FLASH from a selected region

Anshu Dubey dubey at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 12 09:39:07 EDT 2009

This cannot be done now in the code as it is. But it is an interesting thought.

Kevin's suggestion is fairly easy, you can do derefinement based on
where you are in
the domain, the relevant files are
gr_markInRectangle/Ellipsoid/Radius, which you can
customize for your purpose.

If you really want to restart from a few blocks data, here is how you
could do it.
- Run the simulation as usual, and then write out the relevant blocks
into a separate file before
  exiting.  This could be a simple Fortran binary writeout.
- Write a simulation_initBlock where you read from the file.
-  Make a copy of  gr_expandDomain in your simulation directory, and
delete the part
   that repeatedly initializes simulation data to 0 and calls
Simulation_initBlock to fill it.
   You basically let paramesh populate the data in the blocks. You may
also want to
    keep the number of refinement steps at initialization relatively
low because this will be
   all interpolated data.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Seyit Hocuk <seyit at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
> Hi Community,
> I was wondering if it is possible to start a new Flash simulation from an
> end point of an older simulation by just selecting a part of the data,
> perhaps by a child block/level. This would now be the top block and act as
> the new initial conditions, forgetting everything else. I hope I am being
> clear in this. This way we could go much higher in resolution, without
> increasing the computational demands, by zooming in on an area and
> restarting simulation from there.
> Thanks,
> Seyit

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