[FLASH-USERS] loading shared libraries

Brian O'Shea oshea at msu.edu
Mon Aug 1 15:10:27 EDT 2011

Hi Stephen,

You have to set the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point  
toward your hdf5 library directory.  Just prepend the path to your  
HDF5 libs to that variable and you should be all set.


On Aug 1, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Stephen Brian Amsel wrote:

> Hi,
> With a lot of help I got Flash to compile on my computer, but have  
> run into an error when trying to test it with the Sedov solver. I get
> " error while loading shared libraries: libhdf5.so.7: cannot open  
> shared object file: No such file or directory "
> I've tried copying all shared objects from HDF5 into the Object  
> directory. I also gave HDF5 its own directory, wiping all references  
> from the default library and include directories and then recompiled  
> Flash. I tried looking up where Flash looks for that file, but the  
> filename only appears, apparently, in the executable itself and not  
> explicitly in the sourcecode (I guess part of the code is generated  
> by script). Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
> (In case it matters, I'm trying to get Flash to run on my desktop so  
> I can fiddle with it and learn how it works without waiting through  
> a cluster's queue and tying up its resources every time I want to  
> try something new.)
> Have a nice day!
> -Stephen

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