[FLASH-USERS] Fwd: Re: 2.5D split hydro & centrifugal force

Mateusz Ruszkowski mateuszr at umich.edu
Thu Aug 11 19:25:59 EDT 2011

   Hi Chris/Sean,

Thanks for the hints and references. I will look into this in more detail.


On Thu, 11 Aug 2011, Chris Lindner wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> My group has implemented angular momentum in 2D and 1D simulations by - as
> Sean mentioned - adding a mass scalar which represents angular momentum.  If
> you just use velz in cylindrical or spherical coordinates, you end up
> creating some ambiguity about how total and kinetic energy should be
> calculated.  We incorporate the centrifugal force term in the
> gravity_accelOneRow .  We also include an alpha-viscosity treatment of
> angular momentum transport.  We edited the diffuse_species module and a few
> other spots to do this.  We describe our implementation and some tests of
> this we did in some of our recent papers:
> http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1108/1108.1415v1.pdf
> http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0910/0910.4989v1.pdf .  Let me know if
> you run into any trouble or have some more questions about it.
> Chris Lindner
> lindner at astro.as.utexas.edu
> NSF Graduate Fellow
> Department of Astronomy
> The University of Texas at Austin

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