[FLASH-USERS] Problem not going to zero radially in cylindrical coordinates

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 5 17:08:12 EDT 2011

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011, Dave Kirsh wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to set xmin != 0 in 3D cylindrical coordinates, so that the
> radial coordinate (x, in cylindrical) doesn't go all the way to zero. I'm
> doing a protoplanetary disk and I'm finding the timestep is far too short
> with the grid going all the way to zero, and I want a nice boundary
> condition for my disk's inner edge anyway. My problem is that the code is
> crashing during initialization of the Grid. Nothing custom here, just the
> standard FLASH3.3 code.
> The stack at the crash is:
> driver_initFlash > grid_initDomain > gr_expandDomain >
> grid_markRefineDerefine > grid_fillGuardCells > amr_guardCell > amr_restrict
> > mpi_amr_1blk_restrict > amr_block_geometry > amr_abort
> So I guess the problem is restriction in the guard cells? Any ideas?


In principle, this should work.  Can you narrow down which condition 
in amr_block_geometry triggers the abort?

By the way, you probably had to make some minor source modifications to 
get 3D cylindrical to work; we would appreciate if you could feed those 
changes back to us, so they could be integrated into a future FLASH 


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