[FLASH-USERS] Using guard cell corners... bad?

Aaron Jackson Aaron.Jackson at stonybrook.edu
Thu Mar 3 13:40:02 EST 2011

Hi Kevin,

Sorry, I should clarify my last statement about the data being 
incorrect. That is just my suspicion inferred from not having this 
problem with a uniform grid and that FLASH blocks only seem to know 
about their edge-adjacent neighbors, at least according to the original 
paper. After digging around a bit more, it seems like in 
amr_1blk_guardcell_srl.F90 that there is code to communicate with 
diagonal-adjacent neighbors since it pulls the remote pe from a matrix 
surrblks. Although, what actually happens from there is hard to 
determine from looking at the code.

      if(ndim.eq.3) then
! Loop over the 8 corners
      do kk = 1,3,2
      do jj = 1,3,2
      do ii = 1,3,2

          jpolar = 0

          remote_blk = surrblks(1,ii,jj,kk)
          remote_pe  = surrblks(2,ii,jj,kk)
          remote_type  = surrblks(3,ii,jj,kk)


Aaron Jackson wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> Thanks for the help... Currently, though diagonals are set to true, as 
> far as I can tell. In the amr_runtime_parameters.dump file from my 
> simulation, diagonals is set to true. The issue isn't that the corner 
> cells aren't being filled, it just seems that they're being filled 
> from extrapolating information in the edge-adjacent neighbors rather 
> than being copied/prolonged/restricted with data from the 
> diagonally-adjacent neighbor. So the data is there, it's just not 
> correct.
> Grep for diagonals returns:
> [ajackson at ctsv obj_Flame3StageNoise]$ grep 'diagonals' *.F90
> amr_set_runtime_parameters.F90:        read (35,*) diagonals
> gr_amr_dump_runtime_parameters.F90:        write (35,*) 
> diagonals        ,', diagonals'
> mpi_amr_1blk_restrict.F90:      if (.not.diagonals) then
> mpi_amr_1blk_restrict.F90:         write(*,*) 'amr_1blk_restrict:  
> diagonals off'
> mpi_amr_1blk_restrict.F90:             ldiag = diagonals
> mpi_amr_guardcell.F90:      If (.not.diagonals) then
> mpi_amr_guardcell.F90:         write(*,*) 'amr_guardcell:  diagonals off'
> mpi_amr_guardcell.F90:        ldiag = diagonals
> mpi_amr_prolong.F90:         ldiag = diagonals
> mpi_amr_restrict_fulltree.F90:      if (.not.diagonals) then
> mpi_amr_restrict_fulltree.F90:         write(*,*) 'amr_1blk_restrict:  
> diagonals off'
> mpi_amr_restrict_fulltree.F90:             ldiag = diagonals
> physicaldata.F90:      public :: diagonals
> physicaldata.F90:      logical, save :: diagonals
> physicaldata.F90:      logical, parameter :: diagonals = .true.
> physicaldata.F90:      logical, parameter :: diagonals = .false.
> test_multigrid.F90:      if (diagonals) then
> test_multigrid.F90:         write(*,*) 'diagonals on '
> test_multigrid.F90:      ldiag = diagonals
> A piece of code from mpi_amr_guardcells.F90
>        ldiag = diagonals
>        l_srl_only = .false.                     ! fill srl and coarse
>        icoord = 0                               ! fill in all coord 
> directions
>        Call amr_1blk_guardcell(mype,iopt,nlayers,lb,mype, &
>                                lcc,lfc,lec,lnc,           &
>                                l_srl_only,icoord,ldiag,   &
>                                nlayersx,nlayersy,nlayersz)
> Thanks,
> -Aaron
> Kevin Olson wrote:
>> Dear Aaron,
>> There is a way to force PARAMESH to fill the corners cells correctly.
>> Here is how it is done in PARAMESH:
>> mype = local process no.
>> iopt = 1
>> nguard = total no. of guardcells
>> diagonals = .true.  ! This is what tells the guardcell filling to 
>> ensure that diagonal cells are filled correctly
>> call amr_guardcell (mype, iopt, nguard)
>> The key here is to set the 'diagonals' variables to be true.
>> You may need to dig into the FLASH code a bit to find exactly where 
>> and how they ulitmately call the guardcell filling routine and modify 
>> that.
>> Note that this will not work with PARAMESH v2 !!!
>> Best,
>> Kevin Olson
>> On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Aaron Jackson wrote:
>>> Dear flash-users,
>>> I'm implementing a turbulence operator described originally in Colin 
>>> et al. (2000) in which I need to perform a curl of the laplacian of 
>>> the velocity field. This requires two finite difference operators, 
>>> which to fit onto one block, requires the use of the guard cell 
>>> corners. In quiescent test cases I have run, significant numerical 
>>> noise develops along block boundaries, even at the same refinement 
>>> level. Since I don't have this problem using a uniform grid, my 
>>> guess is that corner guard cell information is not actually copied 
>>> from the diagonally adjacent neighbor, but rather interpolated from 
>>> the edge-adjacent neighbors.
>>> My main question is:
>>> Is there any way to get corner guard-cells filled by 
>>> copying/prolonging/restricting data from the diagonally-adjacent 
>>> neighbor?
>>> I know that the obvious fix is to perform the laplacian operator 
>>> first, then perform a guard cell fill and then perform the curl, but 
>>> in order for my turbulence measure to be meaningful, it must be 
>>> associated with a particular length scale. This becomes a problem if 
>>> the edge-adjacent neighbor is at a different refinement level. I've 
>>> thought of introducing a different stride in the finite differences 
>>> (possible odd-even decoupling), or potentially reducing the order of 
>>> the finite-difference (5 to 3-point stencil) if the refinement level 
>>> of the neighbor is 1 lower than maximum. But I'm uncertain about the 
>>> accuracy of these choices. I would much prefer data directly from 
>>> the diagonally adjacent neighbors to be filled to the guard cell 
>>> corners.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Aaron
>>> -- 
>>> Aaron P. Jackson
>>> Department of Physics and Astronomy
>>> Stony Brook University
>>> Stony Brook, NY 11789-3800
>>> email: Aaron.Jackson at stonybrook.edu
>>> web: http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/ajackson

Aaron P. Jackson
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11789-3800

email: Aaron.Jackson at stonybrook.edu
web: http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/ajackson

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