[FLASH-USERS] quickflash manual?

Cielo Salvatore cielo at mpia.de
Wed Nov 9 10:39:09 EST 2011

Hello everybody!

I'm a quite new flash user, and I'm currently trying to use QuickFlash for
the output analysis. The example programs work fine and are quite useful,
but in order to have a better understanding and being able to write some
code myself, I'd really like to have some reference manual.
In the webpage I have seen the doxygen documentation, but you will agree
that it's not exactly easy to move the first steps with just it.

So, I was wondering whether there exist some better guide, but so far I
couldn't find any.

Has anyone got any suggestion, please?

Thank you,

Salvatore Cielo

Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie
Königstuhl 17
D-69117 Heidelberg

Tel.: (++49|0) 6221 - 528-203
E-mail:  cielo at mpia.de

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