[FLASH-USERS] Error message in setup step FLASH4.0.1

Reem Alraddadi raba500 at york.ac.uk
Mon Apr 22 06:24:34 EDT 2013


I am trying run LaserSlab (I change the name to Slab1) example in
FLASH4.0.1 and I got the following error message in setup step:


Computing default values for options not specified on command line

A setup internal error has occured, if possible please email the following

debugging info to flash-bugs at flash.uchicago.edu

Arguments: ['/hwdisks/home/raba500/flash/FLASH4.0.1/bin/setup.py', '-auto',
'Sla                               b1', '-2d', '+pm4dev', '+hdf5typeio',
'-nxb=16', '-nyb=16', '+mtmmmt', '+laser',
'+uhd3t', 'species=cham,targ', 'mgd_meshgroups=6',

Python Version: 2.6.0

Platform Details: linux2

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/hwdisks/home/raba500/flash/FLASH4.0.1/bin/setup.py", line 265, in
<modu                               le>

    raise e

OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy:


My command run was:

./setup -auto Slab1 -2d +pm4dev +hdf5typeio -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +mtmmmt +laser
+mgd +uhd3t species=cham,targ mgd_meshgroups=6 -parfile=example.par

I have to say that this setup sometimes works and sometimes not and I got
the above message.

Any ideas?


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