[FLASH-USERS] split solver, timestepping/refinement and the time accuracy order

Andrea Gatto andreag at MPA-Garching.MPG.DE
Tue Apr 23 06:07:21 EDT 2013

Dear all,

for stability reasons I find myself forced to reduce the timestep after
the first call (in the first half of the Strang splitting loop) of the
source terms when using a split solver in Driver_evolveFlash.F90 .
This means that the second call of the solver (in the second half of the
loop) is performed on a different (smaller) timestep.
Could this cause the Strang splitting scheme accuracy order to be reduced
from 2 to 1? Are there any other problems with this timestep change?
Could this problem happen also when I force a refinement in a certain
region during the first call of the source terms?

Many thanks.



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