[FLASH-USERS] checkpoint files

Ernesto Zurbriggen ernesto at mail.oac.uncor.edu
Wed Nov 19 08:49:11 EST 2014

did you try using the runtime parameter dr_shortenLastStepBeforeTMax=.true.?

dr_shortenLastStepBeforeTMax=.true. makes sure the final simulation  
time match exactly tmax. So you could set tmax=0.1 and get the values  
exactly when you want. Then if you need a longer simulation you could  
make a restart from that point.

As far as I'm aware does not exist a runtime parameter to get  
haft-time checkpoint files at exactly period of times.


ivanildo amorim lima <ivanildouaustm at hotmail.com> ha escrito:

> Hello users FLASHI need to know the values of variables at the exact  
>  time 0.1 (tmax). But I don't know do this. I already know how to  
> get  the last dt setting for tmax, but I'm still not sure how to get  
> the  values at the exact time 0.1. Could anyone help me?

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