[FLASH-USERS] changing maxblocks

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Aug 28 13:22:32 EDT 2015

On Fri, 28 Aug 2015, Slavin, Jonathan wrote:

> The issue is that "just running setup again" means, I think, that you start
> over with some pre-defined simulation and lose all the bits you changed.

You don't need to use flmake in order to use an name different from
"object" for your object directory - regular setup has an '-objdir=' 
command line option.

When you rerun regular setup, you will not lose any *code* changes you 
have made - as long as you develop your code changes in a directory under 
source/Simulation/ (or actually anywhere under source/) and leave it to 
setup to create links into the object directory.

Things may be a bit different when you use flmake.


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