[FLASH-USERS] Typo in unsplit_rad Hydro_computeDT

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 18 19:15:12 EST 2016

Hello Mark,

Some further comments on your last message blow.

On Mon, 15 Feb 2016, Mark Richardson wrote:

> When I was filling the guard cells, this was accomplished in
> Simulation_initBlock, using the exact same method as filling the rest of
> the cells. Thus, using *gcell = .true., *the coordinates of all cells was
> found with:
> ! get the integer index information for the current block
>   call Grid_getBlkIndexLimits(blockId,blkLimits,blkLimitsGC)
>   ! Determine size of interior of block
>   sizeX = blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS) - blkLimitsGC(LOW,IAXIS) + 1
>   sizeY = blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS) - blkLimitsGC(LOW,JAXIS) + 1
>   sizeZ = blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS) - blkLimitsGC(LOW,KAXIS) + 1
>   ! allocate memory for iCen variables
>   allocate(xCen(sizeX),stat=istat)
>   allocate(yCen(sizeY),stat=istat)
>   allocate(zCen(sizeZ),stat=istat)
>   ! Initialize
>   xCen = 0.0d0
>   yCen = 0.0d0
>   zCen = 0.0d0
>   ! Get interior cell coordinates
>   if (NDIM == 3) &
>     call Grid_getCellCoords(KAXIS, blockId, CENTER ,gcell, zCen, sizeZ)
>   if (NDIM >= 2) &
>     call Grid_getCellCoords(JAXIS, blockId, CENTER,gcell, yCen, sizeY)
>   call Grid_getCellCoords(IAXIS, blockId, CENTER,gcell, xCen, sizeX)
>   ! Get lower and upper coordinates
>   blkLow(1)   = xCen(1)
>   blkHigh(1) = xCen(sizeX)
>   blkLow(2)   = yCen(1)
>   blkHigh(2) = yCen(sizeY)
>   blkLow(3)   = zCen(1)
>   blkHigh(3) = zCen(sizeZ)
> ...
> Then later, I fill each cell in the loop led with:
>   do k = blkLimitsGC(LOW,KAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)
>      do j = blkLimitsGC(LOW,JAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)
>         do i = blkLimitsGC(LOW,IAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)

Yes, that looks correct (if gcell==.true.). However, ...

> Originally *gcell* was *.false.* and the *size{X,Y,Z}* variables were set
> by the non-GC versions, and then the *k,j,i* loops were over the non GC
> versions. By switching to the GC version, the small CFL went away.

When you replace blkLimitsGC with blkLimits everywhere (after the 
Grid_getBlkIndexLimits call), and set gcell=.false., to restore your 
"original" code, this may become wrong.  It depends on whether you use
the xCen / yCen / zCen arrays anywhere in your loop, indexed by i / j / k.  
That's because

 * with blkLimitsGC : xCen(1) corresponds to blkData(1,j,k), etc.
 * with blkLimitsGC : xCen(1) corresponds to blkData(5,j,k), etc.
   (assuming NGUARD=4).

So you would have to replace any xCen(i) in the loop body with 
xCen(i-NGUARD), etc.

(alternatively, change the bounds of the allocated coordiante arrays
so that the numbering agrees with that used by the look indices i,j,k -
I.e., replace 

>   allocate(xCen(sizeX),stat=istat)


>   allocate(xCen(blkLimits(LOW,IAXIS):blkLimits(HIGH,IAXIS)))

etc. (and appropriate changes where you set your blkLow and blkHigh).

Maybe this is obvious to you, but I thought it might be related to why
your original version was misbehaving.

> I'm having one other problem, which is maybe related. Originally I was
> running this with a self-made Eos (Tillotson for planetary bodies, that
> includes radiative transfer). I was getting the following errors
> immediately after initialisation:
>  [ 02-15-2016  09:57:48.810 ] [gr_hypreInit]: HYPRE_RELEASE_NAME=hypre,


>  [ 02-15-2016  09:57:58.820 ] [gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure: ierr=
>       0
>  [ 02-15-2016  09:57:58.820 ] [gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure: component=
>           0
>  [ 02-15-2016  09:57:58.820 ] [gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure: converged=
> F
>  [ 02-15-2016  09:57:58.820 ] [gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure: |initial
> RHS|^2=  1.2520E+35
>  [ 02-15-2016  09:57:58.820 ] [gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure:
> num_iterations=         500
>  [ 02-15-2016  09:57:58.820 ] [gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure:
> final_res_norm=   88143026.2676523

Not sure what is going on here.

Hopefully it's not the HYPRE version (I think we still haven't tested with 2.10.0b).

The high |initial RHS^2| value may indicate that you are feeding HYPRE
an unphysically large r.h.s.  (The B in A X = B); whether 1.2520E+35
should be considered unphysical depenss on your problem (initial conditions,
number of cells...)

> Where hypre isn't converging. I'm not sure why this would be, as I
> eventually tested it with a uniform density and temperature (with temp_ele
> = temp_rad) for the MatRad3 case of no ions. Also, I'm surprised Flash
> doesn't crash when non-convergence occurs in the hypre grid solver.

Maybe FLASH should abort.  But sometimes we have failures in HYPRE to
be transitory, and to disappear a few time steps.  In case of severe
and persisting problems - they usually cause a serious blowup in a
variable which will normally not go undetected for long.

> I've now tested it with the MatRad3 Multigamma EOS, and get the same error,
> so I'm unsure how this would be related to my EOS. Has anyone had similar
> issues with the hypre grid solver?
> These may be the most relevant parts of my flash.par file:
> # Flux control
> hy_fPresInMomFlux = 1.0      # Percentage of pressure gradient for the

You should set the above to 0.0 if you are using the unsplit_rad Hydro code.
(If not, leave at at 1.0.)

If you are using MatRad3 EOS but with the "unsplit" (not _rad) Hydro code,
you are testing a combination that is MEANT to work, bu we haven't tested it much.

> ppmEintFluxConstructionMeth     = 0
> ppmEintCompFluxConstructionMeth = 0 #(or 1) #Advect like any old mass scalar
> ppmEnerFluxConstructionMeth     = 0

Those three dont't matter.


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