[FLASH-USERS] Unit test 2 for Chombo error

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Jun 20 11:55:23 EDT 2019

On Thu, 20 Jun 2019, Nicholas Omahen wrote:

> I'm attempting to use version 3.1 of Chombo with  FLASH version 4.5. I have
> successfully installed Chombo and ran their test routines. Unit test 1 for
> Chombo in FLASH succeeds, and I've made a "Makefile.h.chombo" as described
> by the FLASH 4.5 user manual.

WARNING: The Flash Center does not support using FLASH with Chombo, and 
the "experimental" Grid implementation based on Chombo has not evolved for 
a number of years. So proceed at your own risk.

>  When I attempt to run "make all" in unit test
> 2 (FLASH4.5/source/Grid/GridMain/Chombo/wrapper/unit_tests/2), I receive
> the error:
> "
> flash_subroutines.o: In function `driver_init_flash_':
> /groups/dark/nomahen/FLASH4.5/source/Grid/GridMain/Chombo/wrapper/unit_tests/2/flash_subroutines.F90:86:
> undefined reference to `grid_getblkindexlimits_'

I believe the specific problem here is that Grid_getBlkIndexLimits.F90 has 
changed at some point, and does now work any more with the files under 
GridMain/Chombo/wrapper/unit_tests/2 as they are.

In particular, for some reason not to be elaborated here,
Grid_getBlkIndexLimits has become its own little Fortran module.
Essentially the lines

  module Grid_getBlkIndexLimits_mod


  end module

were added.

IF that is the only change relevant (I haven't checked), then you should 
be able to make progress by just changing the way in which the code
under GridMain/Chombo/wrapper/unit_tests/2 refers to the subroutine 

A simple way to do this would consist of replacing the explicit interface 
declaration for Grid_getBlkIndexLimits in flash_interfaces.F90
with a line (in an appropriated place):

  use Grid_getBlkIndexLimits_mod, ONLY: Grid_getBlkIndexLimits

(Cf. the regular Grid/Grid_interface.F90, which does the same thing)

You may need additional changes, such as for making the Makefile aware
of the .mod file that may now need to be considered in the source 


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