[FLASH-USERS] Opacity tables in FLASH

Acharya, Nitish nachary2 at ur.rochester.edu
Wed Oct 9 12:44:04 EDT 2019

Dear Flash users,

1) How can we get the opacity tables to use them in FLASH other than the ones (Al, He, Polystyrene) provided in FLASH itself. I tried using a EOS/opacity conversion python module named Opacplot2 to convert my opacity tables into IONMIX but Opacplot2 only seems to support MULTI (.opp, .opr, .opz, .eps) opacity formats and I dont have such tables with me.

2) What does the structure of above MULTI opacity format look like? Is there a way to get opacity tables in those formats?

Any thoughts?

Thanks so much,


Nitish Acharya

PhD Student

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Rochester
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