[FLASH-USERS] FLASH 4.6.2 Release

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 15 14:33:36 EDT 2019

Dear Users,

The Flash Center Code Group announces the release of an updated version
of the FLASH code, version 4.6.2.

This release is a minor update over FLASH version 4.6.1.
The list of changes from the RELEASE-NOTES file is appended.

The release is available as a tarball FLASH4.6.2.tar.gz, in the usual 
location on the Flash Center Web site at http://flash.uchicago.edu/.

-- the Flash Center Code Group

!!!!  New in FLASH 4.6.2 (since FLASH 4.6.1) - October 2019 !!!

* For unsplit Hydro with curvilinear coordinates we have improved the 
  computation of velocity divergence used in determining the strength
  of artificial viscosity (when use_avisc is TRUE). The effects of
  artificial viscosity can be expected to change, particularly in
  cells close to the coordinate axis in 2D cylindrical coordinates.

* Corrected wrong order of operations in an MHD code path when using
  flux correction: energy corrections (proper accounting of magnetic
  energy in cells) could be applied too late in interior cells.  The
  problem only occurred in 1D MHD configurations (with the
  MHD_StaggeredMesh code), which could then lead to errors in results
  of 3T simulations.

* Corrected wrong Eos mode in Eos_wrapped calls, as well as energy
  adjustment, in the Biermann battery source term code.

* LaserRayTrace and ThomsonScatteringMain/WithRayTracing:
  Improved ray tracing in situations where rays enter the computational
  domain in locations that have significant electron density by
  adding ray speed adjustment at domain entry.

* Fixed some problems in Multitype EOS that showed up in tests with
  non-fixed-blocksize uniform grid mode. Convergence of root search
  should now be improved in some EOS modes.

* Slightly improved time step computation for anisotropic diffusion
  (Uniform Grid).

* FLASH now requires being compiled against MPI version 2 or higher.
  Some setups continue to work when compiled against an MPI-1 library,
  but this will not be true in general.

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