[FLASH-USERS] Reflected and transmitted laser light

Norbert Flocke flocke at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Sep 17 09:24:44 EDT 2019

Hello Mattia,

In a laser simulation there is a file created:


where <name> is the name of your simulation. This file contains 7 entries:

Step#    Time    dt    Energy in    Energy out    dE in     dE out

which have the following meaning:

   Step#:      the step number
   Time:       current simulation time
   dt:         time step taken
   Energy in:  cummulative laser energy entering domain
   Energy out: cummulative laser energy leaving domain
   dE in:      laser energy entering domain during time step
   dE out:     laser energy leaving domain during time step

You are interested in the laset entry of 'Energy out'.
Hope this helps.


On Tue, 17 Sep 2019, Mattia Cipriani wrote:

> Dear FLASH users,
> I would like to determine the reflected and transmitted laser light in a simulation. In general I am interested in all the laser energy lost through any boundary of the domain as a function of time.
> What is the best way to obtain the information I need?
> Best,
> Mattia
> ________________________________
>  Dr Mattia Cipriani, PhD
>    45, Via E. Fermi
>    00044 Frascati (Rome)
>    Italy
>    Ufficio: Building 12
>                    Room 12223
>    Tel.      +39 069400 5145
>    Mobile +39 328 5552077
> _________________________________

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