[FLASH-USERS] Issue with Install of FLASH on Sterile CentOS7 Container

Joe Glaser joe.glaser at nanograv.org
Wed Nov 18 14:47:14 EST 2020

Hey All,

I am writing today with regards to getting some aid in having FLASH 4.6.2's
binary to compile correctly on a CentOS 7 singularity container build
(recipe is attached to this email). I have attached the Makefile.h that I
built, modeled off of the Makefile.h for Cartesius.

The container is running the following built directly from the CentOS
official repos:
  - CentOS      7.0.0
  - HDF5        1.8.12
  - Hypre       2.11.2
  - netCDF CXX  4.2.8
  - netCDF C    4.3.3
  - netCDF F90  4.2-16
  - zlib        1.2.7
  - FLASH       4.6.2
  - OpenMPI3    3.1.3

Each individual part passes its tests just fine and all .o files compile
correctly. I first run *./setup -auto -3d Sedov --site=singularity.centos7*.
However, when *make -j *is run and then lands at the flash4 build, I get
the following return:

/usr/lib64/openmpi3/bin/mpifort -ggdb -o flash4 [...] -L /usr/lib64
-Wl,-rpath, /usr/lib64 -lhdf5 -lhdf5_fortran -lz -L
/usr/lib64/openmpi3/lib -Wl,-rpath, /usr/lib64/openmpi3/lib -lmpi -lz

/usr/lib64: file not recognized: Is a directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [flash4] Error 1

Any ideas here on how to best proceed?

*/ Joseph Glaser, PhD*
Scientific Computations Specialist @ NANOGrav
Department of Physics & Astronomy
West Virginia University
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