[FLASH-USERS] LaserSlab example and Hypre error

james.hernandez.ile at osaka-u.ac.jp james.hernandez.ile at osaka-u.ac.jp
Thu Dec 28 07:24:00 EST 2023

Dear Flash users,

I am trying to run LaserSlab example from the manual.
Inside the object directory, when I entered the command make -j 4 after the setup command,

I encounter errors of
object/Grid_advanceAnisoDiffusion.F90:300: undefined reference to `hypre_sstructvectoraddtoboxvalu_' among other errors such as
undefined reference to `hypre_sstructmatrixaddtoboxvalu_'.

I have installed the libhypre version 2.18.2-1 in FLASH version 4.7.1.
I have successfully ran Sedov example.

I would like to ask what can be done to remedy this problem.



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