Sean Matt
matt at physics.mcmaster.ca
Wed Jan 15 16:14:04 CST 2003
Hello, my name is Sean Matt, and Robi Banerjee and I are part of the
McMaster University Computational Astrophysics group. The group began
testing and use of the FLASH code since roughly 9 months ago. Lately,
we have been working with the latest release, FLASH2.2, but have had
some problems. Below, I list some bugs we have found. In subsequent
emails, I'll list some of the less important issues we've noticed.
We have identified numerous bugs in the new release of FLASH2.2.
These include one compile-time bug, and at least three run-time bugs.
They are as follows:
In the file "magnetic_resistivity.F90" in
"source/materials/magnetic_resistivity/" the relative order of the
declaration of some variables was changed from FLASH2.1 to FLASH2.2.
In particular, the declaration of
real, DIMENSION(ns) :: Zi
appears BEFORE the declaration of
integer :: ns
in version 2.2. This resulted in a compile-time error for us. We fixed
it by switching the order of the variable declaration so that "ns" is
defined first.
After compiling, we get runtime errors. We have found fixes to two of
them, but there is still at least one more. The ones we have found
are as follows:
1) runtime error in module
error because the the newly introduced optional
variable 'state' is explored while not set.
we fixed by changing all appearances of
if (present(state) .and. state == ...
if (present(state) ) then
if (state == ...
2) runtime error
error because the the variable 'eos_mode' is set
during runtime in 'init_global_parms.F90' but is
of type 'parameter' in
we fixed by changing the line
integer, parameter :: eos_mode = 2
integer, save :: eos_mode
3) we still get the following runtime error:
forrtl: error (75): floating point exception
0: for__issue_diagnostic [0x1203918b8]
1: for__signal_handler [0x120390720]
2: __sigtramp [0x12045af60]
3: $modulemonot$monot_ [monot.F90: 68, 0x1200dd240]
4: $moduleintrfc$intrfc_ [intrfc.F90: 248, 0x1200c3670]
5: $modulehydro_1d$hydro_1d_ [hydro_1d.F90: 275, 0x120093818]
6: $modulehydrosweep$hydro_sweep_ [hydro_sweep.F90: 381, 0x1200abb60]
7: $hydro$hydro_3d_ [hydro.F90: 109, 0x12008b620]
8: evolve_ [evolve.F90: 69, 0x120086568]
9: flash_ [flash.F90: 94, 0x120077480]
10: main [for_main.c: 203, 0x1201b259c]
11: __start [0x120058828]
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