Mike Zingale zingale at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 15 16:32:01 CST 2003

Thank you for the e-mail.  What compilers and OS are you using?  I'll look
into the runtime problems you pointed out if we can reproduce them.  I
think we've run into that runtime_parameters, but the fix may not have
made it into the release.  I think that only affected Compaq machines.


Michael Zingale
UCO/Lick Observatory
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

phone:  (831) 459-5246 
fax:    (831) 459-5265
e-mail: zingale at ucolick.org
web:    http://www.ucolick.org/~zingale

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Sean Matt wrote:

> Hello, my name is Sean Matt, and Robi Banerjee and I are part of the
> McMaster University Computational Astrophysics group.  The group began
> testing and use of the FLASH code since roughly 9 months ago.  Lately,
> we have been working with the latest release, FLASH2.2, but have had
> some problems.  Below, I list some bugs we have found.  In subsequent
> emails, I'll list some of the less important issues we've noticed.
> 	-Sean
> We have identified numerous bugs in the new release of FLASH2.2.
> These include one compile-time bug, and at least three run-time bugs.
> They are as follows:
> In the file "magnetic_resistivity.F90" in
> "source/materials/magnetic_resistivity/" the relative order of the
> declaration of some variables was changed from FLASH2.1 to FLASH2.2.
> In particular, the declaration of
>   real, DIMENSION(ns)    :: Zi
> appears BEFORE the declaration of 
>   integer                :: ns
> in version 2.2.  This resulted in a compile-time error for us.  We fixed
> it by switching the order of the variable declaration so that "ns" is
> defined first.
> After compiling, we get runtime errors.  We have found fixes to two of
> them, but there is still at least one more.  The ones we have found
> are as follows:
> 1) runtime error in module
>         runtime_parameters.F90
>    error because the the newly introduced optional
>    variable 'state' is explored while not set.
>    we fixed by changing all appearances of
>       if (present(state) .and. state == ...
>    to
>       if (present(state) ) then
>          if (state == ...
> 2) runtime error
>    error because the the variable 'eos_mode' is set
>    during runtime in 'init_global_parms.F90' but is
>    of type 'parameter' in
>       global_runtime_dec.F90
>    we fixed by changing the line
>      integer, parameter :: eos_mode = 2
>    to
>      integer, save      :: eos_mode
> 3) we still get the following runtime error:
> forrtl: error (75): floating point exception
>    0: for__issue_diagnostic [0x1203918b8]
>    1: for__signal_handler [0x120390720]
>    2: __sigtramp [0x12045af60]
>    3: $modulemonot$monot_ [monot.F90: 68, 0x1200dd240]
>    4: $moduleintrfc$intrfc_ [intrfc.F90: 248, 0x1200c3670]
>    5: $modulehydro_1d$hydro_1d_ [hydro_1d.F90: 275, 0x120093818]
>    6: $modulehydrosweep$hydro_sweep_ [hydro_sweep.F90: 381, 0x1200abb60]
>    7: $hydro$hydro_3d_ [hydro.F90: 109, 0x12008b620]
>    8: evolve_ [evolve.F90: 69, 0x120086568]
>    9: flash_ [flash.F90: 94, 0x120077480]
>   10: main [for_main.c: 203, 0x1201b259c]
>   11: __start [0x120058828]

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