[FLASH-USERS] Help with 'out of the box' simulations
Kunal Rao
kunalgrao at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 19:38:24 EDT 2010
I am trying to execute all the 'out of the box' simulations and unit Tests
from the Simulation folder in FLASH 3.2. I am able to successfully run all
of them except 4
simulations and 4 unit Tests. ( I am executing with 2 processes in each
case using $mpiexec -np 2 ./flash3 )
I am listing those simulations and unit tests below..I need your patience
here..Kindly go through them one by one and let me know how should I do the
setup and
how should I set the runtime parameters for each of them so as to execute
these 4 simulations and 4 unit Tests successfully.
( If you have some sample setup options and runtime parameters that work,
kindly let me know, I would be happy to execute and check those for these
simulations/unitTests )
1) unitTest/HelmHoltz
$ ./setup unitTest/Eos/HelmHoltz -auto -3d -ostype=Linux -makefile=pg
-portable +ug +serialIO
( added iProcs = 2, jProcs = 1, kProcs = 1 in flash.par file )
Error message is [Eos] Error: too many iterations in Helmholtz Eos
Calling MPI_Abort() for shutdown in 2 seconds!
2) unitTest/Gravity/Poisson2
$ ./setup unitTest/Gravity/poisson2 -auto +spherical -makefile=pg
-ostype=Linux -portable +parallelio
( changed geometry = "spherical" in flash.par file )
Error message is ERROR: radial coordinate cannot be < 0.0
Calling MPI_Abort() for immediate shutdown!
3) unitTest/Grid/UGReordered
$ ./setup unitTest/Grid/UGReordered -auto -makefile=pg -ostype=Linux
-portable +ug +parallelio
Error ( during $make ) :
PGF90-S-0084-Illegal use of symbol scratch - not public entity of
module (gr_createDomain.F90: 46)
0 inform, 0 warnings, 1 severes, 0 fatal for gr_createdomain
make: *** [gr_createDomain.o] Error 2
4) unitTest/PFFT_PoissonFD
$ ./setup unitTest/PFFT_PoissonFD -auto -makefile=pg -ostype=Linux
-portable +parallelio
DRIVER_ABORT: io_writeData: localNumBlocks == 0
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0] terminated
[1] application aborted
aborting MPI_COMM_WORLD, error 1, comm rank 1
5) SodSpherical
$ ./setup SodSpherical -auto -2d +spherical -makefile=pg -ostype=Linux
-portable +parallelio
amr_block_geometry ERROR : blk 1 1 not found
on pe
0 strt_buffer:last_buffer 10001 10000 laddress
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0] application aborted
aborting MPI_COMM_WORLD, error 1242328, comm rank 0
[1] terminated
6) SBlast
$ ./setup SBlast -auto -makefile=pg -ostype=Linux -portable
Logfile_create: could not create log file
Driver_abort called. See log file for details.
Error message is Logfile_create : could not create logfile
Calling MPI_Abort() for immediate shutdown!
Logfile_open: Error: cannot open log file; io_status =
Logfile_open: Error: cannot open log file; io_status =
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0] application aborted
aborting MPI_COMM_WORLD, error 1, comm rank 0
[1] terminated
7) DustCollapse
$ ./setup DustCollapse -auto +spherical -makefile=pg -ostype=Linux
-portable +parallelio
( changed geometry = "spherical" in flash.par file )
Error message is ERROR: reflecting boundary required at x = 0.0
for radial coords
Calling MPI_Abort() for immediate shutdown!
8) Orbit
$ ./setup Orbit -auto +spherical -makefile=pg -ostype=Linux
-portable +parallelio
( changed geometry = "spherical" in flash.par file )
amr_block_geometry ERROR : blk 1 1 not
found on pe
0 strt_buffer:last_buffer 10001 10000 laddress
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0] application aborted
aborting MPI_COMM_WORLD, error 1242332, comm rank 0
[1] terminated
I know it is a very long email and might be asking too much..but I want
to make sure everything works.
I would be very glad if you could help me with this.
Thanks & Regards,
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