[FLASH-USERS] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0
Gary F Forjan
gforjan at gmu.edu
Tue May 11 06:46:30 EDT 2010
Hello Everyone
This is an old problem I never managed to solve but had to leave to work on something else. I'm back to it now and would appreciate some help. I am simulating a solar coronal loop structure with heating, radiative cooling, and semi-circular gravity in FLASH 3.2. The simulation is one-dimensional with a user-defined xl boundary condition and a reflecting xr boundary condition. I have set up the user-defined boundary condition by modifying the Grid_applyBCEdge.F90 routine very much like the WindTunnel example. I know that when Grid_applyBCEdge is called, it is seeing the correct negative integer value (-38) for a user-defined boundary condition from the constants.h file. The simulation runs when I set lrefine_min = lrefine_max for a uniform grid and appears to give a correct physical solution. But when I try to run with adaptive mesh refinement, say lrefine_min = 1 and lrefine_max = 6, I get the error shown below that my density and internal enery are zero after the cal
l to Eos. I believe this is occurring in the call to Eos_wrapped in gr_expandDomain.F90. I have attached my Config file and parameter file and would appreciate any ideas as to where to look to track down this error. Thanks, Gary.
Dr. Gary Forjan
Department of Computational and Data Sciences
George Mason University, Fairfax, Va
gforjan at gmu.edu
*** Error printout follows ***
Grid_applyBCEdge.F90 initialization:
sim_rho0Chr = 4.038226615193243E-013
sim_TChr = 30000.0000000000
sim_Gamma = 1.66670000000000
sim_p0Chr = 2.00000000000000
bcType = -38
iteration, no. not moved = 0 4
iteration, no. not moved = 1 2
iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
refined: total leaf blocks = 6
refined: total blocks = 11
WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=2 block=1 type=1
1 2.32E-15 2.24E-15 2.16E-15 2.08E-15 2.01E-15 1.94E-15 1.87E-15 1.80E-15 1.74E-15 1.68E-15 1.62E-15 1.56E-15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=2 block=1 type=1
1 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=2 block=1 type=1
1 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
[Eos_putData] ERROR Density or Internal Energy are zero after a call to EOS!
WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=6 block=1 type=1
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.76E-16 4.59E-16 4.43E-16 4.27E-16 4.12E-16 3.98E-16 3.83E-16 3.70E-16 3.57E-16 3.44E-16 3.32E-16 3.20E-1
WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=6 block=1 type=1
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+1
WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=6 block=1 type=1
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+14 2.24E+1
[Eos_putData] ERROR Density or Internal Energy are zero after a call to EOS!
rank 6 in job 1 r2i0n13_59888 caused collective abort of all ranks
exit status of rank 6: return code 1
rank 2 in job 1 r2i0n13_59888 caused collective abort of all ranks
exit status of rank 2: return code 1
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