[FLASH-USERS] Flash crashes when corenumber!=2^n

Hunger, Lars Lars.Hunger at uibk.ac.at
Tue Feb 28 07:33:38 EST 2012

Hi all,

I'm trying to run the 3D Sedov explosion as a test for further use of Flash.
While doing this I encountered a problem: I can only run flash on 2^n cores. 
When I choose a number of cores that is not 2^n I get the following errormessage:

 Error in mpi_amr_local_surr_blks_lkup : remote block            1           0  not located on pe            8  while processing blk            1           8 

Depending on how many cores I try to use, one or more of these errors appear.

I already tried to set lrefine_min to a value that is >1, with this change the code stopps at the grid initialisiation with the line: "starting MORTON ORDERING".
With 16/32/64 cores the code runs without problems.

Since our cluster has 120 cores I would really like to run on a number that is not 2^n to use the full potential.

Thanks for your help,
Lars Hunger

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