[FLASH-USERS] Flash crashes when corenumber!=2^n

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 28 11:26:26 EST 2012

On Tue, 28 Feb 2012, Hunger, Lars wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to run the 3D Sedov explosion as a test for further use of Flash.
> While doing this I encountered a problem: I can only run flash on 2^n cores. 
> When I choose a number of cores that is not 2^n I get the following errormessage:
>  Error in mpi_amr_local_surr_blks_lkup : remote block            1           0  not located on pe            8  while processing blk            1           8 
> Depending on how many cores I try to use, one or more of these errors appear.
> I already tried to set lrefine_min to a value that is >1, with this change the code stopps at the grid initialisiation with the line: "starting MORTON ORDERING".
> With 16/32/64 cores the code runs without problems.

Hi Lars,

We are often using FLASH on numbers of cores other than 2^n, so this 
definitely works in general.

It would be useful if you could reduce the size of your problem as much as 
possible while still exhibiting the problem.

Please send more information, esp.
 * log file,
 * standard output / standard error,
 * a description of which source files you changed, if any,
so we can reproduce or analyze the problem.


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