[FLASH-USERS] polystyrene-imx-001

Roman Yurchak roman.yurchak at crans.org
Thu Jun 27 05:50:33 EDT 2013

Hello Graeme,

On 24/06/13 20:16, graeme.scott at stfc.ac.uk wrote:
> which makes me wonder if what this file actually contains isn't just >
Hydrogen of gas density? When I look at the electron densities too at >
1eV the number and mass densities also seem to be pretty low for
> polystyrene:
There might have been a small typo in element fractions when that file
was generated with ionmix. Maybe you can use the one in
that has correct relative fractions:
        21        21
 atomic #s of gases:          1         6
 relative fractions:   5.00E-01  5.00E-01

Best regards,

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