[FLASH-USERS] Help with multigroup radiation for CCSN (Joseph Smidt)
Chris Lindner
lindner at astro.as.utexas.edu
Thu Jun 26 10:34:07 EDT 2014
There are numerous reasons why the current implementation of the multigroup
radiation solver is unfit for use in astrophysical problems. The radiation
solver was designed for HEDP experiments, not astrophysics. It currently
requires computational timesteps that are prohibitively short for
astrophysical problems and does not correctly calculate the pressure
gradient term in the equations of radiation hydrodynamics.
I am currently working on fixing both of these issues, and anticipate
completing this in the next few months.
As for your segmentation fault, I didn't look at your output, but I do
recall there was a segfault that would occur in the computeDt module in the
vanilla solver. That may be where your issue lies. Regardless, I wouldn't
bother with the RHD solver for astrophysics problems just yet.
Chris Lindner
christopherclindner at gmail.com
PhD Candidate
Department of Astronomy
The University of Texas at Austin
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 12:00 PM, <flash-users-request at flash.uchicago.edu>
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Help with multigroup radiation for CCSN (Joseph Smidt)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:34:41 -0600
> From: Joseph Smidt <josephsmidt at gmail.com>
> Subject: [FLASH-USERS] Help with multigroup radiation for CCSN
> To: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
> Message-ID:
> <CACfQXCqjdsuykGgjXPGzTq_JBj7UgmSLxv0xf=
> BApR2AkVpsww at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hey everyone,
> I downloaded the new FLASH4.2.1 which contains a core collapse
> supernova (CCSN) test problem by Sean Couch. I wanted to take this
> problem and turn on radiation. (As well as supply my own initial
> profile)
> Unfortunately I am getting segfaults and I am new enough to the
> code that none of my debugging has helped. Let me now walk through
> the process for what I did.
> I took the vanilla CCSN test problem that comes with flash,
> renamed it A140 and added the recommended initial conditions lines
> shown here [1] to the Simulation_initBlack.F90 as follows: [2]. (See
> lines 46-51 for the exact changes) I also changed the Config to this
> [3].
> I then setup the code using this command:
> ./setup A140 -auto -1d +spherical -objdir a140 -nxb=16
> threadBlockList=False +pm4dev threadWithinBlock=False +newMpole +mgd
> mgd_meshgroups=1
> I then compiled and ran with this flash.par [4]. You will note I
> am just trying to run with one group with constant opacities. The CCSN
> test requires an initial profile file which is here [5]. When the
> code runs I get this error [6] and gdb gives this backtrace [7].
> Sorry for all the pastebins, but I hope they detail all my steps.
> I am just trying to turn on mgd radiation for the CCSN test problem
> provided by Flash and I am stuck so any help is appreciated.
> [1]
> http://flash.uchicago.edu/site/flashcode/user_support/flash4_ug_4p22/node29.html
> [2] http://pastebin.com/vS8F67Bz
> [3] http://pastebin.com/rGwmZMBq
> [4] http://pastebin.com/NY2mAzx7
> [5] http://pastebin.com/DKaUSZLU
> [6] http://pastebin.com/e8TXDUwT
> [7] http://pastebin.com/FdYEPjsB
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joseph Smidt <josephsmidt at gmail.com>
> Theoretical Division
> P.O. Box 1663, Mail Stop B283
> Los Alamos, NM 87545
> Office: 505-665-9752
> Fax: 505-667-1931
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> End of flash-users Digest, Vol 80, Issue 10
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