[FLASH-USERS] flmake setup usage, effects
Roman Yurchak
roman.yurchak at crans.org
Thu Jun 26 05:10:18 EDT 2014
Hello Jonathan,
to complete Anthony's answer flmake's setup does the same things a
normal flash4 setup script (see Chapter 5 of the manual) except that
simulation directory can be local and
the FLASH4_SRC/object directory from the manual is moved to a local
Source files are symlinked to "proj/setup/" and when complied object
files (i.e. "*.o") are put in "proj/build/".
So basically same as with FLASH4 setup script, every time you add a new
file or change a Config file
you need to rerun setup to create new symlinks. On the other hand,
after a modification of an already existing file
just recompiling (i.e. flmake build) is sufficient.
Roman Yurchak
On 2014-06-26 06:14, Anthony Scopatz wrote:
> Hello Jonathan,
> Truthfully, I dont recall what setup does exactly. I believe that it
> just makes symlinks and that you should be fine. However, you can
> always test this. Make a commit right before you run setup. Rerun
> setup, see what it does, and if you need to checkout the most recent
> version.
> $ git commit -am "..."
> $ flmake setup
> $ git status
> $ git checkout -- .
> Be Well
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Slavin, Jonathan
> <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu
> [1]> wrote:
>> Hi Roman and Anthony,
>> I had another question on flmake. Ive been running some supernova
>> remnant calculations and wanted to add the Sutherland & Dopita
>> cooling from the supplemental units. I created a source directory
>> under my project directory and copied the source tree that includes
>> the S&D routines mirroring the directory structure under source
>> under the original code directory. Now to get that code to be
>> picked up during the build, do I need to run setup again (i.e.
>> flmake setup...)? Im not clear on what setup does, so Im concerned
>> about it overwriting things. Could you give me a short explanation
>> about what it does?
>> Thanks,
>> Jon
>> --
>> ________________________________________________________
>> Jonathan D. Slavin
>> Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
>> jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu 60 Garden Street, MS 83
>> phone: (617) 496-7981 Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
>> fax: (617) 496-7577 USA
>> ________________________________________________________
> --
> Anthony Scopatz
> Post-doctoral Scholar
> The FLASH Center for Computational Science
> Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics
> The University of Chicago
> cell: (512) U2-PU239
> office: (773) 834-2705
> fax:(773) 834-3230
> http://flash.uchicago.edu [2]
> Links:
> ------
> [1] mailto:jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu
> [2] http://flash.uchicago.edu/
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