[FLASH-USERS] flmake not picking up files in proj/simulations

Slavin, Jonathan jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu
Fri Jun 20 12:46:27 EDT 2014

​Hi Roman,

I checked and the links were wrong as you surmised.  I think what happened
was that I ran "flmake setup" before creating the simulations
sub-directory.  I started over in a new project directory and now the links
seem correct.

It would not be hard to check for the existence of a simulations
subdirectory for the case that one runs "flmake​ setup" and either issue a
warning or exit -- or even create the directory.  That would be a useful
modification of the script.


On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 1:00 PM, <flash-users-request at flash.uchicago.edu>

> From: Roman Yurchak <roman.yurchak at crans.org>
> To: "Slavin, Jonathan" <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu>
> Cc: flash-users <flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu>
> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 18:31:56 +0200
> Subject: Re: [FLASH-USERS] flmake not picking up files in proj/simulations
> Hi Jon,
> I'll reply for Anthony. After you do the flmake setup, for instance
> the proj/setup/Simulation_init.F90 should be a symbolic link to
> proj/simulations/Sedov/Simulation_init.F90 . Any changes you make there
> then will be
> included when you recompile the flash4 binary.
> In your case however it looks like the "flmake setup" did not recognize
> that there were a local simulation directory.
> When  you do the setup it outputs a list of paths that should contain
>  simulations/Sedov
> and not include Simulation/SimulationMain/Sedov.
> You did the flmake setup Sedov from inside of the proj directory right?
> That should work.
> Otherwise you can try renaming your local Sedov directory to say Sedov2
> and do a
>   flmake setup Sedov2  etc..
> in order to be sure.
> Best,
> --
> Roman

Jonathan D. Slavin                 Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu       60 Garden Street, MS 83
phone: (617) 496-7981       Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
fax: (617) 496-7577            USA
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