[FLASH-USERS] problem MHD Simulation_init and Simulation_initBlock
ivanildo amorim lima
ivanildouaustm at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 3 14:39:34 EST 2015
Hello Flash usersI implemented a problem in flash about mhd (Annex Torrilhon) from BrioWu files.. I thought I had to just change the flash.par and config.par files, however the graphics only converged to the exact solution when I made the following changes (in bold) :
Simulation_init Line 93-98
elseif (NDIM .eq. 2) then !sim_ycos = sqrt(1. - sim_xcos*sim_xcos) ! CONFIG ORIGINAL !sim_zcos = 0.! CONFIG ORIGINAL sim_ycos =0. sim_zcos = 1.
Simulation_initBlock Line 141-146!Initialize cells to the left of the initial shock. if (xxR .le. lposn) then solnData(DENS_VAR,i,j,k) = sim_rhoLeft solnData(PRES_VAR,i,j,k) = sim_pLeft solnData(VELX_VAR,i,j,k) = sim_uLeft * sim_xcos solnData(VELY_VAR,i,j,k) = sim_vLeft * sim_ycos ! CONFIG ORIGINAL solnData(VELY_VAR,i,j,k) = sim_vLeft solnData(VELZ_VAR,i,j,k) = sim_wLeft * sim_zcos
Someone had any problems like that? It is normal to have to change the configuration in simulation_init and simulation_initblock files to implement new problems?
This may be a bug in Flash?
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