[FLASH-USERS] FLASH crashing: "iteration, no. not moved"

Dominik Derigs derigs at ph1.uni-koeln.de
Wed Mar 8 06:43:17 EST 2017

Dear Klaus,

our cluster is quite responsive today and I already have the output from
two independent runs:

The new debug lines tell us:
   50995 9.3378E-01 8.2062E-06  ( 1.932E+00,  1.411E-01,  0.000E+00) |
  iteration, no. not moved =            0       11928
  iteration, no. not moved =            1           6
On proc 29: block  440@ 29 still needs to move to    1@ 30.
On proc 15: block  441@ 15 still needs to move to    1@ 16.
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
On proc 14: block  442@ 14 still needs to move to    1@ 15.
On proc  8: block  442@  8 still needs to move to    1@  9.
On proc 29: block  441@ 29 still needs to move to    2@ 30.
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =            2           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =            3           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =            4           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =            5           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =            6           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =           95           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =           96           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =           97           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =           98           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =           99           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  iteration, no. not moved =          100           1
On proc 21: block  441@ 21 still needs to move to    1@ 22.
  ERROR: could not move all blocks in amr_redist_blk
  Try increasing maxblocks or use more processors
  nm2_old, nm2 =            1           1
  ABORTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time, the routines have been asked to decrease the number of blocks
(unlike before):

 [ 03-08-2017  12:28:18.714 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.
 tot blks requested: 28258
 [ 03-08-2017  12:29:09.939 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.
 tot blks requested: 28254
 (end of log file)

I have queued the same simulation again and received a similar  error:

   50899 9.3221E-01 8.1590E-06  ( 1.932E+00,  1.411E-01,  0.000E+00) |
  iteration, no. not moved =            0        2726
  iteration, no. not moved =            1           2
On proc 52: block  441@ 52 still needs to move to    1@ 53.
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =            2           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =            3           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =            4           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =            5           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =            6           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =           98           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =           99           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  iteration, no. not moved =          100           1
On proc 49: block  442@ 49 still needs to move to    1@ 50.
  ERROR: could not move all blocks in amr_redist_blk
  Try increasing maxblocks or use more processors
  nm2_old, nm2 =            1           1
  ABORTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to the log file, the block number should increase from 28210 to

Best regards,

2017-03-08 12:25 GMT+01:00 Dominik Derigs <derigs at ph1.uni-koeln.de>:

> Hi Klaus,
> Thank you for your messages.
> Some answers to the question you mentioned:
>> Are you using face variables?
> No.
> Does the same happen if you
>>  - use the older Paramesh implementation (setup with +pm40) ?
>>  - or, alternatively, set the following runtime parameters to .false. ?
>>       use_flash_surr_blks_fill
>>       use_reduced_orrery
> I'll have to try this.
> Is Paramesh trying to increase or to decrease the number of blocks when
>> this happens?
> It tried to increase by 4 blocks, these are the most recent messages:
>  [ 03-07-2017  01:59:00.137 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.
>  tot blks requested: 26466
>  [...]
>  [ 03-07-2017  01:59:51.245 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.
>  tot blks requested: 26470
>  (end of log file)
> Have you made any unusual changes to Paramesh?
> No.
> In particular, is it still true that
>>         maxblocks_tr = 10*maxblocks
>> (as per amr_initialize.F90) ?
>  Yes.
> Meta-information has already been
>> moved and modified at this point, under the assumption that movement of
>> the contents of all blocks succeeds. it would be inconsistent if that last
>> blocks then does not actually get moved.
> I was afraid that this might have been the case.
> I added the debug code you suggested in your follow-up mail and queued a
> new simulation.
> Best regards,
> Dominik
> 2017-03-08 4:57 GMT+01:00 Klaus Weide <klaus at flash.uchicago.edu>:
>> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017, Dominik Derigs wrote:
>> > Dear FLASH users,
>> >
>> > I'm seeing a problem for quite some time on our local cluster which I
>> don't
>> > seem able to get rid of. Whenever I run a sufficiently large
>> simulation, it
>> > will fail sooner or later while paramesh writes this to the output:
>> >
>> >    45251 8.5418E-01 5.7059E-06  ( 7.080E-02,  8.350E-02,  0.000E+00) |
>> >  5.706E-06
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =            0        4629
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =            1           3
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =            2           1
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =            3           1
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =            4           1
>> > [...]
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =           98           1
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =           99           1
>> >   iteration, no. not moved =          100           1
>> >   ERROR: could not move all blocks in amr_redist_blk
>> >   Try increasing maxblocks or use more processors
>> >   nm2_old, nm2 =            1           1
>> >   ABORTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> Hi Dominik,
>> I have not encountered this problem myself.
>> Please provide some more info about your setup.
>> Some particular questions:
>> Are you using face variables?
>> Does the same happen if you
>>  - use the older Paramesh implementation (setup with +pm40) ?
>>  - or, alternatively, set the following runtime parameters to .false. ?
>>       use_flash_surr_blks_fill
>>       use_reduced_orrery
>> Is Paramesh trying to increase or to decrease the number of blocks when
>> this happens? (The long file may show this information, perhaps in a
>> message like this:
>>   ... [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 453
>> Have you made any unusual changes to Paramesh?
>> In particular, is it still true that
>>         maxblocks_tr = 10*maxblocks
>> (as per amr_initialize.F90) ?
>> > Do you know how to prevent this error from happening or - if not - if
>> it is
>> > safe to remove the corresponding MPI_ABORT entirely and just work with
>> one
>> > block not being shifted around correctly?
>> I do not think this would be safe. Meta-information has already been
>> moved and modified at this point, under the assumption that movement of
>> the contents of all blocks succeeds. it would be inconsistent if that last
>> blocks then does not actually get moved.
>> Klaus
> --
> Dominik Derigs
> I. Physikalisches Institut
> Universität zu Köln
> Zülpicher Straße 77
> 50937 Köln
> https://hera.ph1.uni-koeln.de/~derigs/
> Tel. (+49|0) 221 470-8352
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Dominik Derigs
I. Physikalisches Institut
Universität zu Köln
Zülpicher Straße 77
50937 Köln


Tel. (+49|0) 221 470-8352
Fax. (+49|0) 221 470-5162

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