[FLASH-USERS] block identification after an error
g.granda at irya.unam.mx
g.granda at irya.unam.mx
Thu Aug 22 13:31:17 EDT 2019
Hello Flash users,
I'm getting some errors at run-time of a simulation of a gravitational
collapse under the presence of a magnetic field. The error is:
WARNING after gc filling: min.
unk(DENS_VAR)=-0.5821098936325356600795E-22 PE=108 block=68
DRIVER_ABORT: This place must not be accessed
So, the negative density occurs at a guard cell of the block 68 of the
processor 108. I wonder if you guys know how to identify where this
block is located in the computational domain. I would like to know where
this is exactly happening so I can track the error.
This negative density produces the following message on the log file:
[ 08-20-2019 23:14:06.336 ] [DRIVER_ABORT]: Driver_abort() called by PE
[ 08-20-2019 23:14:06.336 ] abort_message: This place must not be
So, I wonder if it is possible to tell FLASH somehow to write a check
file when this negative density shows up or when there is a driver_abort
error. I know when the time step dt is less than dt_min, it is possible
to write a check file by setting dr_dtMinBelowAction = 1 in the
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