[FLASH-USERS] block identification after an error
Klaus Weide
klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 22 13:49:00 EDT 2019
On Thu, 22 Aug 2019, g.granda at irya.unam.mx wrote:
> So, I wonder if it is possible to tell FLASH somehow to write a check file
> when this negative density shows up or when there is a driver_abort error. I
> know when the time step dt is less than dt_min, it is possible to write a
> check file by setting dr_dtMinBelowAction = 1 in the flash.par.
There is no flag for automatically writing a checkpoint and than exiting
in this situation. But maybe the following runtime parameters can be
helpful (excerpt from source/Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Config).
D gr_sanitizeDataMode What to do when gr_sanitizeDataAfterInterp is called
D & to check for acceptable values in the dens, ener, and eint cell-centered variables
D & after a Grid operation may have resulted in grid interpolation.
D & 0: Do nothing.
D & 1: Check (if variable is not masked out) and report (see sanitizeVerbosity).
D & 2: Check (ignoring variable mask) and report (see sanitizeVerbosity).
D & 3: Check (if variable is not masked out) and fix (apply floor value).
D & 4: Check (if variable is not masked out) and abort if cell is found below floor value.
PARAMETER gr_sanitizeDataMode INTEGER 1 [0,1,2,3,4]
D gr_sanitizeVerbosity How to write information about unacceptable
D & values in the dens, ener, and eint cell-centered variables if gr_sanitizeDataAfterInterp
D & finds value that are below the acceptable floor.
D & This reporting is in addition to other actions selected with gr_sanitizeDataMode=3 or 4.
D & 0: Be quiet.
D & 1: Only write a log file message per block if unacceptable value found on MASTER_PE.
D & 4: As 1, and each proc writes a line to standard output for each block with bad values.
D & 5: As 4, and each proc writes lines showing the values in all cells of the block (in 1D/2D)
D & or a 2D slice (in 3D).
PARAMETER gr_sanitizeVerbosity INTEGER 5 [0,1,4,5]
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