[FLASH-USERS] Computing Radiation Timestep with Multitype Configuration
Keith Galvin
kjg0886 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 08:00:59 EST 2019
It's failing in the actual Eos routine. I can trace the abort message that
you see in the log below back to ../multiTemp/Multitype/Eos.F90. It's
being given input of mode MODE_DENS_ TEMP_ELE when it's called in
rt_computeDt.F90. The select case statement which starts on line 495
doesn't have a case specification for that mode, so it goes to the default
case which aborts.
*Setup command line*:
./setup Burst_Rad -auto -1d -nxb=10 +spherical +mtmmmt +mgd +uhd3t
mgd_meshgroups=6 species=air
*Relevant units to my question*:
*Relevant flash.par flags*:
# EoS parameters (nitrogen)
ms_airA = 14.0067
ms_airZ = 7.0
eos_airEosType = "eos_gam"
# Diffusion parameters
useDiffuse = .true.
# Radiation (multi-group diffusion) parameters
useRadTrans = .true.
rt_useMGD = .true.
rt_mgdNumGroups = 6
rt_mgdBounds_1 = 0.000000e+00
rt_mgdBounds_2 = 9.992797e-01
rt_mgdBounds_3 = 9.992797e+00
rt_mgdBounds_4 = 9.992797e+01
rt_mgdBounds_5 = 9.992797e+02
rt_mgdBounds_6 = 9.992797e+03
rt_mgdBounds_7 = 9.992797e+04
rt_mgdFlMode = "fl_levermorepomraning1981"
rt_computeDt = .true.
# Opacity parameters (general)
useOpacity = .true.
# Opacity parameters (air)
op_airAbsorb = "op_constcm2g"
op_airEmiss = "op_constcm2g"
op_airTrans = "op_constcm2g"
op_airAbsorbConstant = 1.e-1
op_airEmissConstant = 1.e-1
op_airTransConstant = 1.e-1
# Heat exchange parameters
useHeatexchange = .false.
*Error message from log*:
[ 12-11-2019 07:47:52.744 ] [Driver_evolveFlash]: Entering evolution loop
[ 12-11-2019 07:47:52.744 ] step: n=1 t=0.000000E+00 dt=1.000000E-15
[ 12-11-2019 07:47:52.824 ] [DRIVER_ABORT]: Driver_abort() called by PE
[ 12-11-2019 07:47:52.824 ] abort_message: [Eos] Unrecognized input mode
given to Eos
On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 5:52 PM Klaus Weide <klaus at flash.uchicago.edu>
> On Tue, 10 Dec 2019, Keith Galvin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm performing a 3T simulation using the Multitemp/Multitype EoS and I
> seem
> > to be running into issues when trying to compute a radiation time step.
> > The code seems to crash at the first time step inside of the EoS call
> when
> > computing the rad time step. Specifically, it's complaining about an
> > invalid EoS mode. After looking through the source code, it looks as if
> > the Multitemp/Multitype EoS routine isn't designed to handle the mode
> input
> > of MODE_DENS_TEMP_ELE, which is the mode specified in the routine that
> > calculates the rad time step. Is the rt_computeDt code only designed to
> be
> > used with the RadFLAH versions of the EoS routines, or is there some way
> to
> > use it for full 3T calculations with multiple types? Thanks!
> Keith,
> You should give more information on your setup.
> What is your setup command line?
> What is the list of units (as written by the 'setup' command)?
> If you can tell, which is the routine that makes the failing Eos or
> Eos_wrapped call?
> Klaus
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