[FLASH-USERS] How to install FLASH4.6 in centOS

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Mon May 13 11:46:26 EDT 2019

Hi Zhang,

It sounds like there is an issue with the Makefile.h in your
/...path_to_flash/sites/your_hostname/Makefile.h file. (Though, if you
haven't created a directory in sites matching your hostname then it'll use
the Makefile.h in sites/Prototypes/Linux/ (unless that has changed between
4.2.2 and 4.6)).

Have you updated the Makefile.h with the new paths for mpich, hdf5, etc It
sounds like you have since it compiled successfully.
The warnings suggest you may have forgotten to modify FFLAGS_OPT. I'm not
intimately familiar with compiler options, but I use -r8 to make fortran
reals default to double precision.

I haven't seen your runtime error before, but think it would be a good idea
for you to look over your Makefile.h (double check MPI_PATH or MPI_HOME
(whichever is used later on), HDF5_PATH and so on are correct for the
system, double check FCOMP, COMP, CPPCOMP, LINK have correct paths for the
system, and that FFLAGS_OPT (or FFLAGS_DEBUG if you're using '-debug' setup
option) and CFLAGS_OPT have the desired compiler options.


On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 10:08 AM zdy0903 <zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn> wrote:

> Hi!
>   Recently, we want to install FLASH4.6 and related application like
> mpich, HDF5, Hypre in centOS system. Before, we have successfully install
> it on Ubuntu system. However, after all the intallation, we meet several
> problems.
>   Firstly, when excuting "make" process, we meet a warning like:
> *warning #10006: ignoring unknown option '-fdefault-real-8'*
> *warning #10006: ignoring unknown option '-fdefault-double-8'*
> *warning #10157: ignoring option '-W'; argument is of wrong type *
>   This is not shown on the installation process for ubuntu system.
> However, it can still “make” sucessfully. But when we excute mpich -np 2
> ./flash4, there is problem like:
> *./flash4: symbol lookup error: ./flash4: undefined symbol:
> for__pthread_mutex_unlock_ptr*
> *./flash4: symbol lookup error: ./flash4: undefined symbol:
> for__pthread_mutex_unlock_ptr *
>   And the process stop immediately.
>   we use CentOS 6.1, mpich3.3 hypre-2.11.1 hdf5-1.8.17. Do you know how to
> solve this problem?
>   Thank you very much!
> Yours
> Zhang
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