[FLASH-USERS] overwriting of snapshots

guido g.granda at irya.unam.mx
Tue Nov 12 15:29:28 EST 2019

Hello Flash users,

I found out that one simulation is overwriting the last snapshot instead 
of writing new ones. I think this very strange because this did not 
happen with previous snapshots.

The code keeps writing the snapshot 9999 instead of creating the 10000 one.

The flash.par used for this simulation is the following:

# Runtime parameters for a generic problem
# check the online documentation for runtime parameter descriptions
# or look at the setup_params file in the object directory for
# descriptions of parameters specific to your simulation

#       Computational volume parameters
#               Grid parameters
geometry        = "cartesian"
#               Size of computational volume
xmin            = -10.0
xmax            =  10.0
ymin            = -0.6
ymax            =  0.6
#zmin            = -0.6
#zmax            =  0.6
# Runtime Parameters
sim_rho    =1.0
sim_vy     =0.0
sim_vz     =0.0
sim_by     =0.0
sim_bz     =1.0 # this is just a factor
sim_x_cent =0.0
sim_y_cent =0.0
sim_z_cent =0.0
sim_p      =1.0
sim_cs     =1.0 # check polytropic constant

#sim_z_cent     =0.0
#               Boundary conditions
zl_boundary_type               = "periodic"
zr_boundary_type               = "periodic"
xl_boundary_type               = "outflow"
xr_boundary_type               = "outflow"
yl_boundary_type               = "periodic"
yr_boundary_type               = "periodic"

#       Simulation (time, I/O) parameters

cfl             = 0.8
basenm          = "ha_iso_"
stats_file      = "ha_iso.dat"
nend            = 1000000
tmax            = 3.155760e14 #10 Myr
dtinit          = 1.0e-3 #e-3 Myr
dtmax           = 3.155760e12 #e-1 Myr
dtmin           = 3.155760e-70 #

#to write a checkpoint when dt< dtmin
dr_dtMinBelowAction = 1

restart         = .true.
checkpointFileNumber= 188
plotfileNumber= 941
#       checkpoint file output parameters
checkpointFileIntervalTime = 3.155760e13 # 1Myr
checkpointFileIntervalStep = 50
#       plotfile output parameters
plotfileIntervalTime = 3.155760e12 #0.1 Myr
plotfileIntervalStep = 10

#       variables to output to plotfiles
plot_var_1 = "dens"
plot_var_2 = "pres"
plot_var_4 = "eint"
plot_var_5 = "velx"
plot_var_6 = "vely"
plot_var_7 = "velz"
plot_var_8 = "magx"
plot_var_9 = "magy"
plot_var_10= "magz"

# small variables
small      =  1.0e-40
smlrho     =  1.0E-40
smallp     =  1.0E-22
smalle     =  1.0e-10
smallt     =  1.
smallu     =  1.0E-40
smallx     =  1.0E-10
#      logfile parameters
run_comment     = "harris current sheet"
log_file        = "ha_iso.log"

#    common eos parameters
eintSwitch     = 1.0E-4
eosMode        ="dens_pres"

#    AMR refinement parameters
lrefine_max       =6
lrefine_min       =6
refine_var_1      = "dens"
#delta_ref         =0.01
#delta_deref       =-0.01
#reference_density =2.12e-24 # unperturbed initial density
refine_var_thresh     = "dens"
#USM parameters
killdivb = .true. # default true
flux_correct = .true.
Nblockx         = 1
Nblocky         = 1
Nblockz         = 1

# === Polytropic EOS ===
usePolytrope     = .true.
PolytropeDens1   = 0.0
#PolytropeDens2   = 1e99
#PolytropeDens3   = 1e99
#PolytropeDens4   = 1e99
#PolytropeDens5   = 1e99
PolytropeGamma1  = 1.0
#PolytropeGamma2  = 1.0
#PolytropeGamma3  = 1.0
#PolytropeGamma4  = 1.0
#PolytropeGamma5  = 1.0
PolytropeKonst   = 1.0 # sound speed squared (cs^2)

Do you see anything in my flash.par that might cause this error? I'm 
using flash 4.5 by the way.

Kind Regards,

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